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Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

elephant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th February 2004, 23:25

Hello there,I know it doesn`t have a lot to do with DVDs.......but anyone else here play in pool leagues around the country?
I`m looking to get a new queue and don`t know if it`s worth spending £250 on a hand made one or whether a £90 Jimmy White one (reduced to £50) would do.Anyone found any advanced tactics to help win games?
It`s just a great game with far more to it than it would appear.. 8)

RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 00:47

I suck with a pool queue, but I find Virtual Pool 3 the best pool game ever. ;)


RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 00:56

I used to play in a league, did quite well, and there`s a piece of advice my Paul Newman-Type Mentor told me that i`ve held dear to this very day..

If a £60 cue hits the balls in the direction you want them to go, you don`t need to spend £200 on one.

But seriously. As long as it`s straight, the only other things to consider are size of the tip (For more accurate play) and the weight of the cue itself. Too light and you won`t feel control, too heavy and it`ll drag on your rest hand.

RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

crispy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 02:38

The main thing is to find a cue that is comfortable for you and your game. Everyone has different preferences; I tend to prefer shorter, heavier cues, a lot of my friends prefer longer, lighter cues. Some people prefer small, slightly domed tips; I prefer larger, quite heavily rounded tips. Each to their own.

Stephen Hendry won god knows how many championships with an old battered and bent cue. You don`t necessarily have to pay huge amounts for a cue; one of my favourites was a bog standard pub cue and I beat no end of people using expensive cues with it.

A good player can usually work around a poor(ish) cue, but no amount of money spent on a cue is ever going to make a good player of a bad one!

RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

peteh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 09:31

I`m a snooker man myself and play in the Bromsgrove league and do enjoy a game of pool (mostly on holiday), I find that it ruins my game though when I get back to the 12` table!

As far as the cue is concerned as per the previous posts it`s all about ability i.e. Jimmy White and Ronnie O`Sullivan would go down a local club together pick a couple of cues out of the rack and knock-in century after century.

Also as per the previous posts it`s essential to play with a cue that you have good feel with i.e. weight, length etc but it takes a while before it begins to feel like part of your cueing arm so you must percivere(sp?).

Good luck


RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 09:51

anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

Yes ! Lots of us love football on this site. :)

Did not Stephen Hendry get his cue that he had used since he was a kid and won every thing going on broken on some aeroplane, and thought it would realy effect is game, then brought a new one, then had is best season for years.

I`m not 100% but I think it was Hendry.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 09:55

RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

peteh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 15:38

Yep. But this is also the same guy who was beaten by Jimmy White last week in the Masters! ;)


RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 17:10

But this is also the same guy who was beaten by Jimmy White last week in the Masters!

Yes, but Hendry is also the best player the game of snooker has ever seen ;)

I like pool, but I`m more of a snooker bloke. Although I`ve got an unbeaten record on pool that`s past 100 games now 8)

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

peteh (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 17:57


I would certainly agree with you there, but I feel it`s such a shame about Ronnie O`Sullivan, as if his Dad had not gone into prison, it would not have screwed him up mentally and he WOULD have been THE best snooker player of all time.

Whilst Hendry has won 7 world titles in his early years, the competition is far more instense now and (as proved) is finding more difficult to win another. Still a superb player though and one of four who I feel will be in with a shout of the world title this year, the other three being O`Sullivan, Williams and Hunter.

Did you player league snooker? and what is your highest break?


RE: Pool......anyone mad keen on this game of the Gods?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 18:08

I`d agree Ronnie O`Sullivan is the best natural player, and is perhaps the most entertaining to watch because of his speed. But the fact is he isn`t the best player and it`s impossible to think of what "might" have been ;)

I don`t play any leagues, just with my mates. I can`t remember my highest break as it has been ages since I`ve played. I remember getting 60 something a few times, but not much higher than that :p

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