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Best Loans?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th November 2003, 19:18

Does anyone know who is offering the best rates on loans? I am in the process of buying a new car & I want to consider all alternatives.


RE: Best Loans?

Chunky Munki (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 18th November 2003, 19:49

Depends how much you want to loan.

I found Directline had a low rate 6.1% or around there which isn`t bad at all.

RE: Best Loans?

Uncharged Water (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th November 2003, 20:11

Tesco are doing 6.2% at the moment, i have a loan with them and can report no problems at all.

RE: Best Loans?

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th November 2003, 23:03

Both the above, Tesco & Direct Line, usually offer among the lowest rates but as it happened the last loan I had (£2500 1 yr ago) was from the Nationwide which beat them both.


P.S. this loan was for a car aswell. Out of interest Chunky what car you looking to get?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th November 2003, 23:05

RE: Best Loans?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 07:48

Thanks for al the help so far. I will check out all three. I have been offered £1300 against my knackered old escort at a local car dealership, and to be honest, it`s not worth £150. I realise car dealerships give with one hand & take with the other, but up to`s the best offer I can find.

I am looking to put down a deposit and then get the rest on finance. The thing is with the dealership, after the first 3 months there are no penalties for paying some, or all, of the loan off. So, I was thinking of doing the dealership for 3 months then finding a better rate loan elsewhere and paying the dealership loan off with that. Hence I will then have a better rate for the rest of the term.

But, if I can get a really good loan deal before all that may change.

RE: Best Loans?

clarets (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 08:13

try these They have loans at 6%. Just a word of warning the default is set to include payment protection so if you do not want it take it off.


RE: Best Loans?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 11:59

I would be inclined to get the loan now with payment protection - Circumstances can change & not for the better.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

RE: Best Loans?

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 12:05

Is getting the £1,300 for your Escort dependent on your taking out the dealership`s own finance deal?

RE: Best Loans?

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 14:00


They have a search facility com,paring over 400 unsecured loans

Be wary of those that offer low APR`s cos when they credit check you and offer you a loan it may be higher than originally advertised.

I have recently applied for a £3k loan from Northern Rock as they were the lowest @ 6% when I was accepted and they sent me the T&C the APR was 8.5%

I complained and they said the APR was determined by the credit check

RE: Best Loans?

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 14:36

I can`t help you specifically with a loan, but I`d recommend this website:

with advice and loopholes to get the best value out of various credit cards/loans etc.. The bloke was on the radio a while ago and was very informative. It`s also partly down to him that Barclays current "0% interest for life" scam has hit the rocks!

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