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Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th September 2003, 19:37

Saw this today. Complete nonsense but I suppose fairly entertaining. Must say I was a little disappointed in it though because the film never really made much sense and there were far too many characters.

But Johnny Depp was funny.

Anyone else seen it?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th September 2003, 20:27

No, but I am planning to. I just bought the first 2 on DVD, and will be watching `El Mariachi` in the next few days...plan is to digest them before I go to the cinema for `OUaTiM`.

Rik Booth
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RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 00:05

Just seen it this very evening. I totally agree about the plot, it`s as confusing as heck.

I loved Desperado because it was basically a chance for cool people to say cool things while shooting each other in a cool stylee. OUATIM, however, seems to have tried to reproduce the previous film but introduce a plot which just doesn`t seem to work. A future viewing will reveal whether it is just my tiny brain that was struggling to keep up, or if it was really just a mish-mash of stories.

Johnny Depp was muchos cool (can that guy do no wrong lately????), as was Antonio, but I feel that Willem Dafoe was wasted as he really shines as bad guys.

ps Look, it`s Johhny Depp 8)

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

rakhee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 09:01

i am going to see this this week because johnny depp my hero since i was a child, i dont care if it is crap or not im going! but antonio really is a D*ck!


Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts, They Can Betray You

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

penzance (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 11:10

Loved this film, in my opinion better than Desperado which is the weakest of the 3. I thought the story was good as each character basically had their own story which was then linked to one character mr JD possibly outshining any other actor at the moment. This film I could see every day for a week and not get bored of it, why? because it doesn`t try to be something it is not, it is enjoyable to the nth degree and possibly the best film to come out recently. Robert Rodriguez p***es all over the overated Quentin T who`s Kill Bill looks absolute sh*te just like his other films. (bring it on!! :) )

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 11:29

Saw this on Saturday and loved it. I`d agree about the plot being far too complicated and many characters not getting much screentime, which was annoying as Willem Dafoe could have been a really great villain in this. However, the cinematography was gorgeous, making me feel like I was in Mexico, and the production values were much higher than I expected. I`ll definitely be getting this on DVD.

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 14:03

"I just bought the first 2 on DVD... plan is to digest them before I go to the cinema for `OUaTiM`."

It wouldn`t matter if you had seen them or not, as the film makes little attempt to keep the continuity flowing ;)

I liked the look of the film. This is, in my opinion, the first real test for the HDDV Cameras (the ones that Attack Of The Clones was shot on) because this is the first film that has been shot without having lots of computer effects added after it. At times it looks digital, such as when Johnny Depp "restores the balance" when he `compliments` the chef for cooking his good meal ;)
But at other times it looks stunning. I can`t say I prefer it to 35mm film, but in time I suppose it will just get better and better.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

foofighter (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 18:19

Saw this today and thought it was a complete p*** take with one of the worst kneecappings iv`e seen in any film, the digital filming was good although it didnt seem to handle fire/flames very well and thought the sound was a bit to bright, johnny depp was on top form and lol when ever he was on screen

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 19:20

with one of the worst kneecappings iv`e seen in any film

I thought that was pretty knarly and quite unexpected for a 15 certificate 8)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th September 2003, 19:37

Yeah, I expected it to follow `Desperado` and get an 18 rating. Can I ask: is Salma naked in this one, too?

Rik Booth
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