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Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

simon1977 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 10:00

Last time I went to Las Vegas I ended up using the urinal next to Vince Vaughan from Swingers and I found myself wanting to shout "vegas baby Vegas" but he walked off with someone who looked like Kevin Smith but I dont think it was him.

I also once met Christopher Reeves at Boston Airport before his accident. He got a lift in our minibus to his private plane.

Most recently I met Rolf Harris whilst working at Glastonbury. He is one of the nicest blokes I have ever met.

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

Jon_Doe3rd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 10:25

I`ve not met anyone famous :/ I guess the most famous person I have seen is Ozzy 2 times in concert.... But that doesn`t really count.


RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 10:46

I met Jenny Powell at the Usk show about 14 years ago I bought a wicked willy rhere and she signed it unfortunatly Ive now lost it.

Those pesky Maori`s have nicked my sandwiches again

This item was edited on Friday, 18th July 2003, 11:56

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 11:02

Charles and Di when they had just got married, i was living in Gibraltar at the time and they went there on honeymoon.

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 11:03

I saw jarvis cocker watching the changing of the guard last year.

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 11:11

brian blessed stuck in oncoming traffic when i was a bus driver :D

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 11:53

When I stopped at some traffic lights once there was a car with a J6CK D number plate in front of me. I dont know if it was actually Jack Dee driving it though

Those pesky Maori`s have nicked my sandwiches again

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 12:07

Tilda Swinton ;)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

bous (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 12:28

Well Vic Reeves lives with his new wife near my town, so often seen strolling around the town centre (dunno why, its crap!)

Saw Martine McCutcheon in Picadilly Circus near the Burger King, opposite (what I think is) the Odeon.

Also when Kelly Brook got sacked from the Big Breakfast she was in Gran Canaria (if anyone remembers) and she was on my return flight with her boyfriend Jason (??) Statham.

And (without trying to sound like i`m bragging! sorry!) i`m friends with Javine. The girl who recently released a song called Real Things

This item was edited on Friday, 18th July 2003, 13:34

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

el_duderino (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th July 2003, 12:33

On the way back from Malia (Crete) a few weeks back I was stood in the airport next to Figo.

His wife is absolutely stunning (ex supermodel I think)


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