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Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 19:19

Basically is there software available, that will alert me of incoming calls when using the internet. Its not for me, as I have broadband, but a friend has recently got online, and does not want to fork out for a second phone line straight away. He needs the phone for business calls, and will not be online all that regularly so needs to be made aware when people are ringing him.
So any pointers would be great!


RE: Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 20:40

I think maplins did a gadget for £25???, but you had to subscribe to call waiting service from your phone company, I believe

RE: Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

Ravimann (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 23:04

If you mate has a V92 modem he will have facilty built in and will need some software running in background and subscription to call waiting or if you are not bothered about dropped connections you can do without device by adding the code S10=5 in the extra settings box in modem properties.


RE: Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

Wad (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 06:48

If he has BT he could used 1571, and call anyone back he missed. Its free and simple.

RE: Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 07:55

>>>If he has BT he could used 1571, and call anyone back he missed. Its free and simple.

But whoever calls *has* to leave a message for this to work.

Anil Khedun
Site Reviewer and Fifth Beatle.
DVD Reviewer

RE: Incoming calls with a 56k dialup modem???

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 08:46

As Ravimann said, if he has got (or buys) a decent V92 modem he can do this (more info at, having said that make sure you get a good one and that your ISP definitely supports V92. Both my modem and ISP *claimed* to support V92, but in practice I could never get it to work (not an issue now as I`m on broadband).

The other option is a gadget like grommit suggests, you can find out more here: If your mate doesn`t already have a V92 modem this may be a better idea since it definitely works, and I know I`m not the only one to have had trouble getting a V92 modem to work properly.

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