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Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

BigDH (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 09:12

Watching Comic Relief last night, I knew it was time to turn in when this twat came on. I'm no prude but I cannot abide his gay disgusting humour. I don't mean that it's disgusting just because it is gay but no straight comedian would be allowed on TV saying similar things. Julian Clarey is another one, It's time they were banished to gay clubs

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 11:28

ouwww cock.

All the best,

The 42%er

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

goodfella66 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 13:20

I also find Graham Norton totally unfunny. If a straight person said some of the things he does there`d be uproar & calls to ban him, but he gets away with it.

Saying that, the easiest thing is do what I do, if he`s on the telly switch over (or off).

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

Jon_C (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 13:55

I don`t think the subject matter of his comedy is relevant, to be honest - it`s just that he is on tv all the bloody time, like that f**king Davina McCall and before her, Ulrika Jonsson, although mercifully, Ulrika only seems to be on every now and then these days (she`s rough as badgers in real life anyway, much like that Judith Chalmers with her big leather face, who I spotted in Stansted Airport the Wednesday before last).

Anyway, I digress. The point is that where once Graham Norton was funny, he has lost it big-time and is now very hit and miss. Send him back to Ireland, I say! Actually, please don`t - you`re welcome to him. ;-)

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

Bryter Layter (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 16:04

Yes Graham Norton is becoming very tedious lately, especially in the way he always explains every gag. But the most disturbing thing on Comic Relief was the death of `Alternative` comedy itself. Im talkling about Reeves and Mortimer dying on their arses, as a long time fan this was uncomforatble watching. They knew they were dying, the look of panic in their eyes and gags falling flat, even to the extent as Vic forgetting what gag was next and Bob having to shout `VIC..UNDIES` to get him into the lame pulling up very long underwear gag..hmmmmm last night they were just to middle aged men doing very very unfunny `Alt` comedy gags, it would be like Ben Elton coming on and doing a Thatcher routine..dated. Sorry Vic and Bob, as much as I respect you, (Big Night Out is still comedy genius today) I think your days as `kings of comedy` are long over.

This item was edited on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 16:09

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:49

I`ve never liked Graham Norton, because he is about as good at telling jokes as my mates down the pub. They laugh at their own joke before they even tell it. Then continue to laugh after telling it. Its alright with your pals, but this guy is a frickin TV presenter and comes across as an amatuer. The C***.

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:49

I am glad I didn`t watch Comedy Relief to save me the pain of seeing Vic and Bob die on their arses. I still remember the sponsored beer drink they did for a Comic Relief a while back, sheer class!!!!


RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

Asad (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 18:13

Tend to agree about the comments on Graham Norton. I`ve never found him funny and don`t watch him, although he does seem to be popping up on everything. Vic and Bob stopped being funny along time ago as well. So all in all I`m glad I didnt watch Comic Relief, though I did aparently miss the chance of watching Lenny Henry turn more and more into a black Frank Carson !

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

washu (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 19:11

You people are SO behind me. I said that Vic and Bob had lost it during Shooting Stars series 1! I also said that Graham Norton was crap the 1st time I ever saw him. Oh well, listen to the Wash in future you people. May I point out that, in case you didn`t know, the only funny people about nowadays are (apart from myself) Adam and Joe. An overlooked series for a DVD release I reckons. The video I got years ago is not enough!!!

RE: Graham Norton - About As Funny As A Hole In The Head

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th March 2003, 19:33

My estimation of this little s***ball went tits up when he made that sly comment about the Gibb brother that died, and just for the record I hope one of the 2 brothers left smack him in the kisser!

Horrible little barstard!

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