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Do you have a problem with gay people?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 10:01

Theres an article in the newspaper that said that there were 71 people who complained that the marmite advert was "gay", and should not be seeing by kids.

The advert shows a lifeguard giving the other man the kiss of life, and then the man kisses him back.

The ITC said most people would get the joke sayig that the swimmer tasted Marmite and liked it.

There was also a controversial scene on a programme I can`t remember where a man kisses another man, and there were loads of people complaining about the scene.

What is this world coming too!!! Why can`t we live and except peoples sexuality? Its as if we are still living in stuffy old 20th century, and we should accept that homosexuality is natural as being a hetrosexual!


RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 10:13

Unfortunately....stuffyness and bigotry is a wonderfully long-lasting human trait, so you`ll always get those who hate anything that isn`t `normal` complaining vociferously.....mind you, there`s that Tatu video as well isn`t there??....I had to search the net to get to see that....I`ve been offended by it several times just to make sure that it really is as disgusting and corrupting as `they` say.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 10:21

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 10:53


No probs here.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 11:28

Floyd "homosexuality is natural as being a hetrosexual", is that a closet door I hear opening?!

I know a few gay blokes who are fine (one drinking "partner"), I don`t have a problem with them taking a drive up the marmite motorway, as long as it`s not mine!

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 11:34

Alan, i too would like to be offended by the TATU video, but can`t find it...

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee post a link!

Cheers, marksparks.

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Soprano (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 11:50

This thread can go nowhere and can only give one side of the arguement.
The rules of dvdreviewer quote:

"We WILL NOT tolerate abuse, excessive flaming, racism, homophobia, xenophobia."

So by giving a view which does not agree with homosexuality, you can be acused of homophobia and are breaking the dvdreviewer rules!

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:09

Im gay! I can honestly say I have not come across any problems whilst posting on here, then again with the DVD Reviewer rules, I wouldn`t expect to find any!

Unfortunately, these rules do NOT extend to my employers,( not too sure if its law or not )so I am firmly in the closet at work!

I also believe that I shouldn`t have to say I am Gay either! If someone was to ask me in an environment that was open, then I would admit it, but as it the closed environment that I work in....I would not.

Quite a few comments are passed at work, which are VERY offensive, if they only new one of the collegues was gay.................

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:15

"So by giving a view which does not agree with homosexuality, you can be acused of homophobia and are breaking the dvdreviewer rules!"

Well, that seems to depend on how tactless you are in expressing it, as proposing an alternative view is surely the entire point of a discussions boards, the rules are in place to prevent the sorts of malicious attacks that this kind of subject matter is likely to produce.

However, I am puzzled as to how any reasonable person can `disagree` with homosexuality, as if it were some kind of ideological doctrine, an argument that can be disagreed with. Surely it is simply a state of affairs that is as plain as day. One can certainly disaprove of homosexual practices, but this is not the same as disagreeing with homosexuality itself, which is a much more serious and probably totally incoherant view.


RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:17

here you go marks!

can`t remember what player it needs - think it opened up ok in RealPlayer

get ready to be offended...over and over again

Does the phrase `practising homosexual` mean someone who hasn`t got it quite right yet?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:18

RE: Do you have a problem with gay people?

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:29

It’s funny how many people find male homosexuality threatening but aren’t at all bothered by the exploitative ‘lesbian chic’ of groups like Tatu. We’ve already had one “not up my ring” comment (albeit a light-hearted one) within this thread. Until people stop thinking about gay men as sexual predators who seek to anally penetrate any available, vulnerable male, the closet seems like the safest place to be.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 12:50


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