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Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

washu (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 11:57

I have noticed recently a whole barrage of programs dedicated to Iraq/Hussien and they are all negative. You watch this stuff and want a war just to kick his arse. This, as far as I am concerned, is propoganda. Also, has anyone noticed how all news presenters now pronounce "Al-Quayida (whatever!)" with a glottal stop emphasising the "Q" instead of how they used to last year when they made it sound like one word?? Is this to make is sound MORE evil....?

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

Soprano (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 12:21

So what is the positive side to Iraq/Saddam?

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 12:54

I can only take a guess that the use of propoganda is designed to change peoples perceptions of the validity/aims/ targets of any conflict in Iraq.
While I fully support military action against Iraq I have become a bit turned off with the constant barrage of alerts that the various U.S. security agencies have been warning of since 9/11.
Almost every day since that date there have been alerts and warnings of "Imminent" attack and that "Reliable" sources have provided the info. That may or may not have been the case but since 9/11 but as there has been very little if any, correct me if I am wrong, terrorist attacks in the U.S.A in the last 17 months. So the reliable sources could not possibly be as reliable as they were claimed to be.
For a completely impartial and non partisan ;-) watch Fox news. Since 9/11 the titles of their shows has generally been either
"America at war"
"War on terror"
Kind of denies them credibility as impartial non partisan and independently minded journalists, but hey Rupert owns them so it must be OK :-)

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 13:22

Funny eh? When I watch channel 4 "news" they prophesize nothing but doom.

Tony Blair says he is working something out with the French, c4 proclaims Tony bayonetting French children.

Security council looks set to support or abstain against action in Iraq, c4 flashes "Chinese tanks rumbling down Pennsylvania Avenue".

During Persian Gulf War 1, c4 predicts Saddam dictating peace terms to a ruined Whitehall, actual Iraqi "army" disappears like a fart in the wind.

I guess people subconsciously accept that which they agree with, and explode with blood-raged hatred when the TeeVee says something they disagree with. Mind you don`t spill your cornflakes!

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 14:40

When we find out that Tony`s guys nicked parts of a Students thesis to form the so called Iraq Dossier you really have to wonder what if anything at all we are told by Labour is true!

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 14:53

..and they even kept all the bad spelling as well apparently.

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 15:02

This is exactly what I have been trying to tell everyone about the Firefighters strike !!

They are doing the same thing against us.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 15:02

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 15:54

Dont know what you all mean, if it is on telly then it must be true.

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 16:00

Stop the war, they want to get off!!!

So some idiot did a paper on Iraq. Then some security gopher copies it and writes a brief. Some politician wants something for parliament and gets handed a dossier. Do you even know what planet you are on?

But hey, they should definintely imprison the idiot that did that.

BTW I reckon they play evil music when "OBL`s" tape is played on the TeeVee just so you *know* he`s evil.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 16:01

RE: Are we being fed propoganda by TV?

thelegalbeagle (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 16:23

The only music I want to hear over OBL on TV is the Death March.

AlQaeda can go and slink back under the ill-informed medieval rock from which it emerged. If they don`t like Western civilisation - and they can take their pick which of the two words they object to most - they are under no compulsion to endure it, but then neither should we.

They can have their 14th century. I am happy with the 21st.

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