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you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 11:18

Just wondered if anyone else spotted the continuity error in this ad. When he starts smashing his car up, the steering wheel is on the right of the car, but later on when he`s `cruising`, the steering wheel is on the left.

jeez I`m bored.....

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 13:02

hehe, but it`s one of the few adverts that I see at the cinema every week that puts a smile on my face!

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 14:37

I love that ad, it`s one of my current faves. Stantz, isn`t there any snow you could play in, instead of spotting continuity errors in ads? ;)

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

laurathegenie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 18:48

That advert is soooo good! Its the best one on the telly at the mo.

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:12

nope, it did snow earlier, but the ground was too wet. I wouldn`ty mind, but 15 miles away on Detling hill, they had to close the road due to snowdrifts!!

and I`m not pedantic, I just spend too much time in the goofs section of imdb

(you think I`m sad for spotting this mistake? you wanna see what those nit-pickers talk about, "the sun was 90 degrees to the east in the previous shot, making the shadows completely wrong in the next scene.......zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ")

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:30

*laughs* Yeah, I stay away from there or I get so irritated that it becomes addictive! I love *real* goofspotting, but not things like that!

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:46

Yeah, I agree that that advert is one of the only adverts that doesn`t grate after the second time, and I must have seen it at least 50 times. But I don`t have a 206 and have no incling to get one.

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:51

I`ve got a 306, we were gonna get a 206 when the lease was up but they`re too bleedin small, especially those buggers with the flip-back roofs. You put the roof back, there`s no room for your shopping!!

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

Tim Elliott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 22:31

Maybe if you ran it into a wall and crunched it up a bit the flip back roof wouldn`t work.

...can you see the flaw in this suggestion?!

RE: you know that advert where that bloke smashes his car into a 206 shape?

MadPom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 6th January 2003, 11:34

I just find it amusing that after trashing his car, it *then* looks like a 206! Heh heh

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