Info and forum posts by 'mavrik'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th August 2002, 14:55, Last used: Monday, 2nd April 2007, 18:42

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Toshiba SD-2109 since Mar. 2000, old faithful!
PC-DVD - Would be great if my TV-Out worked
Alba 108 - £69 - f***ing bargain! (dead now)
Yakumo XL2 - £29, (Christmas 03) - these thigs keep getting cheaper!
Yamada DVX 6100 - (Apr. 04) Oooh, DivX-tastic!
NEC Dual Layer DVD-Writer (Oct 04) - The stuff of a madman`s dreams!

This user has posted a total of 244 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.21 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 120 cans of pepsi for £8.99 delivered from Asda

Well I`m heartily hacked off with Asda. I ordered the Pepsi (without the £10 voucher I might add, so £16 worth) because we drink shedloads and I don`t drive. When I get home from work at 2am there aren`t any shops open, and I thought it`d be nice to have a big stash of cans!
Imagine my horror 2 days ago when I ended up paying £3.99 for the privilege of having a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread delivered (I have a Londis about 40 ft from my house if I only want a couple of things). I emailed them at the address on the receipt, heard nothing yesterday. Got a reply today "The email was sent to an unmonitored address. If you have any queries go to" :o So inow I`m even more p*ssed off. I made a genuine order, didn`t use vouchers, deliberately ordered at least 25 quid`s worth of stuff to make the delivery fee worthwhile (other items weren`t delivered either, and the substitutions never bear any relation to the original item) and I feel ripped off. Not only that but they seem to have taken the full £29 from my card!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 20th September 2006, 17:54

RE: Reasonable priced glasses

My mother bought a pair of specs online last week (with a little help from yours truly!) for £17.50. Why should she pay £300 for an identical pair at Specsavers or Vision Express?? I`m sick of being ripped off, if these guys can make a profit at £15 a pair then the high street optical stores must be rolling in it.

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Is it just me or are mobile phones too complicated to operate now???????

I`ve just gone relatively low-tech and got a Sony-Ericsson z200, i can`t be arsed with camera/video phones, I just want something to help me stay in touch with my mates! I had a Sendo M330 which was rubbish, no group function, or calendar/organiser, and a teeny little screen. I`d rather spenmd the money on the best contract than some unwieldy flash bit of kit!

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Hot offer..Free Eye Test and an Extra £20 off all glasses

Since I found that online optician that does specs from £17.50 inc p&p I`ve decided that the big chains can nick off, they`re robbing us blind!!

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Just had a text message on my home phone!

I`ve had a few of those, it`s well funny when my loutish mackem brother does it and the posh lady has to read out his incomprehensible texts! At Chrimbo you could text #Jingle# or #merry# and the recipient would get Jingle Bells sung to them, and you could get Auld Lang Syne on New year`s Eve!! :D

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

Post Office... ARGH!

I ordered some stuff from DVDSoon last month, I know what they`re like for shipping times but wasn`t bothered as two of the dvds were free with my inFidel card. They shipped on the 2nd, 8th, and 14th of this month so I was expecting the first thing to arrive this week, and what happens? I get a bundle of three parcels this morning. They all have the correct datestamps on, and 6 working days is impressive for DVDSoon but why the hell has someone been holding onto the other titles? :S It`s weird.

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Copying DVDS

I had probs using the separate authoring/burning programmes which is why
I switched to using XCopy. I don`t know if it was down to incompatible protocols or something because I was using the same blank media, same PC etc.

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Copying DVDS

I just use DVDXCopy XPress, it resizes everything for you. Pop in your source dvd, it rips and resizes in 10-30 minutes, pop in a blank coaster and press the big `START` button, et voila, all done! I`ve copied about 100 discs and only had 3 that didn`t work but were fine second time round.

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 22:46

RE: What have you bought/pre ordered this month? (March)

I`ve bought: Dawn of the Dead, BttF Trilogy, and Neverending story, and got Total Recall and The Incredibles free with my DVDSoon InFidel card :D Pre-ordered Who Put the `M` in Manchester.

#Wielding a bicycle chain, "Oh why won`t you change?" , I will not change and I will not be nice! ..#

RE: Brand new gay test.

According to the first test I am still a gay. According to the second test I am "60%, a happy and well-adjusted lesbian babe" Hmmm.... I agree with the `lesbian` bit, but I`d go more with "cynical, twisted lesbian headcase" :D

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 22:33

RE: Is My Mouse Posessed??

start > control panel > printers and other hardware > mouse!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Best way to back-up DVD?

I always use DVD XCopy (in XPress mode) on it`s own to copy DVDs, whole process can take from 25 mins to an hour. Don`t know about using any other proggies to do it! I assume XCopy automatically fits the image file it creates onto the disc.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: One for the Geordies (maybe the Macams)

Ah good old Mr Rahman! I was on Westgate Rd last night funnily enough :)

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: I wish they`d cancel ER

The current series of ER (just started on 4 I believe?) starts off slowly, but it knocks bloody spots off the previous 2 series`! Just seen ep. 10 this week and it had me breathless. Like another poster said, try watching Holby s***ty, it makes ER seem Oscarworthy :D

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: "Oz" Fans - New Series

It`s definitely grim, and it really unnerves me when I end up sympathising with someone who`s a serial murderer or whatever, because of treatment at the hands of other prisoners and COs in Oswald! That`s the point though I guess, they`re all human. Properly gripping stuff, I`m a big ER fan but sometimes it`s just plain dull, whereas Oz never fails to keep me absolutely riveted. Also ,it takes a lot to shock me but often I`ll just be sat with my hand oer my mouth going "I can`t believe he just DID that!"

Yep, deffo going to have to save up for the boxsets!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: MISPRICE - Futurama Season 1-4 £14.99

Nice spot Clayts, have emailed them ,and will get someone to call for me when I am at work tomorrow!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: "Oz" Fans - New Series

I know Oz is graphic, but I bet they`d get a fair few viewers for it. Shame there`s no R2 dvd release. When I`ve been in m ynew job for a bit I might just treat myself to the boxsets!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: "Oz" Fans - New Series

And now... it`s finished! f***ing idiots at C4. Oz hasn`t been on terrestrial telly for years (I`m going back to the days of the original 4Later here!) and I remember the forum mods like Ziad saying "It`ll be back next month" etc. Now they show a bunch of episodes at stupid o`clock, and just as I get hooked again, it`s all over!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: MISPRICE - Futurama Season 1-4 £14.99

Ah Clayts.. what would we do without ya? ;)

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Dog owners question

I think its disgusting to share your house with an animal full stop

Having lived with my brother, and also with a labrador, I`d take the dog every time.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Dog owners question

Dogs are like kids, if you bring them up well they`ll generally be well behaved. They take a lot of time and effort to train properly, you can`t jst get a dog and expect it to be perfect.

To the OP: Wagg dried food has an odour deodoriser in it, worked really well for my friend`s dog!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Wanadoo Any Good?

I used to have Pipex, and loved them, until they pulled a bloody con job on me. I always knew their customer service was appalling, but that didn`t bother me until they cancelled my account, lost my emails and stuff on the webserver, then had the utter cheek to charge ME for the account not being active for 12 months! wT[at]s

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: MISPRICE - Futurama Season 1-4 £14.99

Nice spot OP! :D

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: 9 gmail invites.

Right, to avoid doubling up just PM me and i`ll sort it, got a few left!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: 9 gmail invites.

I`ll need yer email address to send one to ;)

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: 9 gmail invites.

I`ve got 16, leave your email address for me.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Banned Aid

I`d rather pay a fiver for Banned Aid than BA20! Cheered me up that did.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Bad News This Christmas

My condolences to you DK. My Nana died on Monday, and after spending all day with her waiting for her to go, none of my family have much enthusiasm for Christmas either, so I know how you feel. I`ll be making my best effort because she wouldn`t want me to just sit around crying. Just glad there aren`t any little kids that need to be humoured. Was heartbreaking taking her presents back to the shops while everyone else was rushing around trying to buy stuff.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: Anyone use online DVD Rental service??

I love Lovefilm at the mo`, because I recommended a couple of friends so I don`t owe them a bean until the middle of February :D

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: EBUYER.what an absolute joke in customer service

According to today`s Computeractive EBuyer moved recently, and have been blaming their bad service on this. The magazine have slagged them a bit, and said normally they would give the company a chance to defend themselves, but as it`s impossible to get in touch then they`ll just have to take the criticism on the chin!

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#