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Reprimanded by Work

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 12:47

Oooooops, looks like I won`t be able to visit this site as often now. HR have cottoned on to my internet usage (which is apparently amongst the highest in the company!!!) and given me a warning. Bugger.

RE: Reprimanded by Work

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 12:49

Posted during lunch hour??


RE: Reprimanded by Work

duder (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 12:55

Come on Greg tell us who you work for so we know not to apply for a job with them!!!

RE: Reprimanded by Work

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 13:02

I`m sure if you explain the nature of the work you have been doing for the WEA they will be more understanding Greg, maybe even give you a raise!

RE: Reprimanded by Work

Nick Dickens (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 13:29

jesus... don`t those twats have anything better to do?, Do you get a set quota - at my place if you get an hour for your lunch you could can spend it surfing if you want. (Mostly I do my surfing at home as our I.T. helpdesk is a joke if you get screwed at work with your computer(crashes, blowes up unable to get printer connection time of the month, alien invasion)).

This item was edited on Friday, 11th October 2002, 13:31

RE: Reprimanded by Work

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 15:18

l spend about 80% of work internet time for non-work related stuff! About 3 hours a day... How can they give me speedy internet service and expect me not to abuse it??

RE: Reprimanded by Work

crackthehack40 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 18:04

stay on the sick like me

RE: Reprimanded by Work

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 18:27

"How can they give me speedy internet service and expect me not to abuse it??"

Know what you mean. It`s just asking for trouble!!

RE: Reprimanded by Work

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 20:13

You really need to look at an excessive amount of hardcore pornography if you really, really want to get the push from work.

This only works if your employer knows how to check-up on your internet usage. Most employers are cretinous luddites.

RE: Reprimanded by Work

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th October 2002, 20:28

"Most employers are cretinous luddites"


Tell it to the man Dwight!

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