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A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

retroman (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th August 2002, 23:43

Please God ensure that these girls are safe and well and that we all get the happy ending we pray and hope for. It`s about time time we had some good news, as I don`t know if it`s me, but I`m getting fed up with all the negativity going on in the world.

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

BCaine (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 00:08

I have to agree with you there, let`s hope these two girls are found safe and well, if thats not to be I hope they catch the person or persons and show them no mercy.

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 16:07

My thoughts are with those poor parents!

Lets pray thay are found safe and well!

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 16:28

Yeah, it`s a ****ed up world we live in...and, unfortunately, it appears to be getting worse by the day.

I hope these two little girls return back home safely. My thoughts and concerns go out to those two little ones, their parents, family members and close friends.

Let`s hope you`re both safe.

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 18:37

I do hope and pray too that they come home safe and well.
Being a parent I feel that many of these people that being the big P`s should be put in a 6`x 6` cell with a loo and sink in and the door be then bricked up except a small hole to allow only tasteless and plain food and water to be passed through and thats it full stop till finish.
I do wish those awful people could see themselves getting that way before they do these things and get some help as we all have value and i`m sure they could be better people but once so far down that road its a no hope case thing I think.I dare say inside themsleves these types wish they weren`t doing it and probably just crave real genuine love and affection but they have big probs.
I so hope they are well and come home soon.

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 18:43

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 20:39

I heard on the news that the police were interviewing known sex offenders in the area. If the police suspect that a known sex offender may have done something to the poor girls why the **** have they been released from prision???

I think if you get convicted of child abuse you should be placed on a remote island for life. They don`t deserve **** and should never be released.

I hope the girls turn up safe and unharmed.
Lets not forget the other children who are missing - Milly who went missing earlier this year. Who knoes where she is? Her friends and family must be going through Hell.

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 20:46

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 21:59

Anyone who commits these kind of crimes should be locked away for the rest of their lives with minimal priveliges and no chance of release.
They have forfeited the right to participate in society and should be punished accordingly.

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

kissmymonkeysdonkey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th August 2002, 23:38

Firstly, I am a parent, and recently experienced my son (he was 5 at the time) `disappear` into thin air!

This was only for a very short time - about 10 minutes (but it felt like hours!) - and he turned up safe and well (he had gone with a friend and his father - without any of them thinking to inform me!).

After the trauma, and pure PANIC, felt for this short time, I can not begin to imagine what the poor parents of Holly and Jessica are going through. Surely this is the worst nightmare imaginable?

Secondly, I work in the Mental Health services, which partly encompasses `sexual deviancy` and `paedophilia`. Until I became a father I would argue/reason treatment options and the irrepressible urges of sexuality, and the balance of treatment and public protection.

NOW, it seems that there is little hope of `treating` deviancies such as paedophilia, and that the sexual drive and preference of all of us is basically with us for life.

I am no more able to alter my sexual preference, likes and dislikes, than I am my colour! Why, therefore, should we expect anyone to be able to change their most basic of drives?

It is essential that we, as parents, feel that the environment we allow our children to inhabit is free from sexual predators and abusers.

I for one no longer allow my son out of my sight, and this is very sad.

My heart, and my thoughts, are with the parents of Holly and Jessica, and I hope - more than anything - that this is not a situation that anyone ever has to find themselves in.

Bit of a ramble I`m afraid, but I agree that there seems to be rather a lot of depressing and traumatic news of late!

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 20:53

A cell would be too good for the person/s who have commited this crime, lets try an injection of air into the body and about 2 minutes then feed the dead bodies to pigs!

RE: A thought for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 00:46

I think its way too easy to brand these people evil, they are obviously mentally ill. They have the same type of desires and needs as the rest of us, but what fulfills theirs is damaging to both society and individuals.

People with other mental illnesses often get sympathy, but since paedophiles both do such nasty things and show little genuine remorse for their actions (perhaps this is part of their mental illness), it is very hard for anyone to show them compassion.

So we are left with protecting society against them, whilst maintaining their rights. It`s a difficult balance as a previous poster said, and obviously one thats hard to be impartial on.

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