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Madness ?

Dazb75 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 13th July 2002, 23:16

AS if buying DVDs that I already own on VHS wasn`t bad enough, I`ve begun to buy newer versions of DVDs I already own.

I recently bought the 5th Element (the Superbit version ... with DTS), even though I bought it when it originally came with DD 5.1.

My 2nd fit of madness was buying the re-released Usual Suspects, just to see the extras. I think the new version a better soundtrack?

Has anyone else succumb to the temptation of DVD re-release?

RE: Madness ?

market (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 03:40

Yes, i must admit that i have.
I bought the re-issue of Se7en, and the special edition of The Beyond.
I`m trying to stop myself from doing it in future, but i`m a sucker for
5.1 audio :)

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 03:41

RE: Madness ?

The Minister (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 07:56

I have every dvd release of friends r2 but now that r1 discs have stared to come out with more unseen footage + extra`s i will collect them and sell my r2 copies.

RE: Madness ?

davros (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 09:45

Hey Daz- stop yer complaining and get your order in to replace your Escape from new york while you are at it.

Also- place an order for apollo13 and time machine 2002 -

Just kiddin


RE: Madness ?

mickl (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 14:23

I`d only replace a disc if they contained appreciably better sound quality than the previous version eg. 5.1 against pro logic. Same reason that I`ve still got a large laser disc collection.

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