Page 1 of OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

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OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

Mister Smee (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th March 2009, 09:30

Interesting if it works as advertised. Been 7 years in stealth development apparently.

A lot of games companies signed up to it including EA, Eidos and Codemasters.


Could someone please
Remove these cutleries
From my knees...

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 25th March 2009, 09:41

As I`m sure a lot of people will be, I`m dubious about its potential.
The idea behind it is solid (essentially remote processing like a terminal server), but it will be interesting to see whether it can actually deliver what it promises.

One issue I can foresee (for us at least) is network speed. I just don`t think the UK has the broadband infrastructure (yet) to support something like this.

I will happily be proved wrong though...and the small download (1MB browser plugin apparently) that PC & Mac users will be able to get should be able to prove the concept for most people.

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

M. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th March 2009, 18:22

Where will OnLive be available?
We'll be launching across the continental US

as usual......

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th March 2009, 18:40

Yeah halfway through a tricky level of something and Virgin throttles you :/

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2011, 17:48

lol, you can tell it`s games convention season as onLive rears its ugly head again. I assume like me, anyone who has used RDP, Citrix etc isn`t entirely convinced ;)

WTF is... cloud gaming?

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2011, 18:16

This is like those articles about how consoles have killed PC gaming, how handhelds have killed console gaming, and how mobile phones have killed all other forms of gaming.


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RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th June 2011, 20:53

OnLive: `We`ll be No.1 for core games`
"I believe the cloud will become the dominant way to play high performance video games"

After the jostling for podium positions at E3, OnLive has declared itself "the fourth platform" - and predicted that it will soon be No.1 for core gaming.

The cloud-based service, which launches in the UK this autumn, has been live in the US for almost a year.

I`m still not convinced, but maybe dealing with Citrix all day I`m jaded ;)

unofficial forums

not had chance to look through to see what ppl think, but a lot of games there.

This item was edited on Monday, 27th June 2011, 22:04

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 27th June 2011, 21:59

Why whenever I hear the words "The Cloud" do I feel the need to give out a huge sigh?

I`m also completely unconvinced. Maybe when it is out of beta I`ll give it a quick whirl just to prove to myself it isn`t as good as it claims to be.


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RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 27th June 2011, 22:25

Maybe it`s just me but I don`t like the idea of having to connect to the Net in order to do EVERYTHING.  Some things I`d like to do without having to worry about my connection...

I`m also not convinced that streaming hi-end games will work well until upload streams are anywhere near as fast as download, I`ve always found an element of lag in on-line gaming for FPS.  Not so much of a problem for the current browser type gaming, I`m playing the Battlestar Galactica version of EVE at the moment, but that doesn`t really require huge speeds whereas graphic intensive FPS will.

---------Si WooldridgeReviewer

RE: OnLive Streaming Games - To change the face of gaming apparently...

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th August 2011, 12:10

I`m still not convinced:

Onlive `cloud console` to get UK launch
Onlive is to launch its cloud-based gaming service in the UK on 22 September.

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th August 2011, 13:10


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