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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Mirrors Edge

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 01:16

Just played the demo... twice in a row..

Stunning, stunning game.

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RE: Mirrors Edge

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 06:46

They`re ve been showing it quite a bit on Playr, and for some time I`ve thought thatit looks like one of those games that looks like it could be really good, but all the interesting ideas and concepts mean it could fall flat on its face so to speak!

Official playstation mag have given it 9/10, what format did you play demo on? 360? I`ll have to see if there`s a PC demo out soon.


RE: Mirrors Edge

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 08:44

Yes, it was the 360 version.

I am currently figuring out which games to trade in for it.. It`s that good!

My DVD collection

RE: Mirrors Edge

M. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 10:06

may i suggest kane & lynch... ;)

RE: Mirrors Edge

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 11:16


I haven`t finished it yet.. I still like it. It`s just.. well.. nasty and depressing!

My DVD collection

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st November 2008, 11:07

RE: Mirrors Edge

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2008, 12:11

And the force unleashed. ;)

I was offered only £6 yesterday for GTAIV in Gamestation, can understand why tho, they had loads 2nd hand. Have decided to keep it. Did get rid of another 8 games tho, for a measley £36 trade in. (:¦

Will be getting both Little Big Planet and Gears 2 this week and have got £61 in trade towards them :D

Is that the time? Damn you Xbox 360!!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd November 2008, 12:02

RE: Mirrors Edge

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 2nd November 2008, 12:18

I`ve got both of them on order next week too. Still got to complete Dead Space however, and I`m only about 20% through it!

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RE: Mirrors Edge

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th November 2008, 07:25

You may want to think twice about buying Mirror`s Edge. Playr gave it 6/10. They said it was good fun, but single player game can be done in about 5 hrs, so one to rent rather than buy!

Described it as a "glorified tech demo of something better to come, no real substance, no real replay value"

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th November 2008, 07:15

RE: Mirrors Edge

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th November 2008, 13:14

Mate got this this morning and here is his email.

Too much fun mate - onto Chapter 3 already - at this rate I`m going to complete in 1 hit.

Not easy, but fast flowing. 1st person Tomb Raider without the dinosaurs!

I`m all hyped up now, best calm down before I get in the car!!

I think he likes it ;)

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RE: Mirrors Edge

M. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th November 2008, 14:51

I however hated this demo on the 360, it was uneventfully boring to me repeating jumps over and over just to grab a bloody drain pipe....i can`t imaging playing a whole game based heavily on finding a red item and jumping from or to it. Its certainly not up there with some of the recent big hitters and 6/10 is bang on the cash for me.

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