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Had a go on a Wii ..

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 19:25

Christmas day night.

erm... um... I honestly thought I had gone backwards 10 years.

each to their own...

Mind you, it was on wii sports. Which, graphically is just above pac man.

I just sat on the sofa and waggled the pad and "nuchchuck" in front of my face and I just seemed to win everything.

I can see why the general public have embraced this thing. You need to have no knowlege of contol or graphical appreciation. .

So there.

I know that the machine has it`s fans and I have read all the reviews of ultra super hyper mario space planet flingy. I just thought I can now slag it off officually as I have played it.


My DVD collection


This item was edited on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 19:27

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

kennedy316 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 19:30

Surely the Wii isnt about the graphics, it isnt afterall claiming to be in the same league as the PS3 or Xbox360 in that field. What it is about is the interactivity of its games and controllers and the potential future uses that you may be able to garner from the machine. I did own one and really enjoyed it, alas needed funds and so sold it on, would defo get another though, that said i have always been a nintendo mark

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 19:47

I just sat on the sofa and waggled the pad and "nuchchuck" in front of my face and I just seemed to win everything.
You need to have no knowlege of contol or graphical appreciation. .
Scary. :/
What do you actually mean? I appreciate you only played the free game that comes with the console but to put down a console and its controllers based on that is, frankly, ridiculous. It is intended as a brief tech demo of how the controller can be used. I can imagine though, you sitting there saying "S*** this, where`s the 1080?" while everyone else was enjoying themselves, having a laugh.... ;) So you played bowling? Subtle twists of the wrist left or right totally affect the path of the bowl. Tennis is the same. Plus you can do top spin, backspin or left and right spin. And aim left or right by timing. Assume you were playing it against easy competitors - nevermind the training mode where you need to aim left and right into ever decreasing `goalposts`. The controls in a good few of those games really is a lot deeper than you`ve given them credit for - especially against `tougher` computer opponents. "no knowlege of contol"...LOL.
I have no problem if you think (as you obviously do) however that graphics make a better game. It is totally your loss. Super Mario Galaxy did seem to win Game of the Year from most independent magazines and gamesites though. Although, with the likes of Metroid 3 (recognised best control system of any console FPS) on the Wii, and running at a silky smooth 60fps, the controls and graphics don`t seem to be doing too bad.
It`ll be interesting to see the design of the next control system from M$ and $ony..

Oh, the irony. I hadn`t realised your previous sig was until now so `fanboyish` and you hadn`t actually played on one. How come, after all this time you removed it for this post?
(The reason I don`t have a Wii? It`s just a Gamecube which makes you tired quickly.)


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

This item was edited on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 20:02

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 20:23

What he said.

Plus, I can only assume that you didn`t get to play baseball. Waggling the remote in that, you`d be lucky to hit anything - the timing required is very precise indeed.
It has been said over and over since the Wii was first launched - yet it is obviously still true - that fanboys will dismiss it out of hand because of the graphics. Good graphics count for very little if that`s all there is to a game and when you think of the best (albeit not many games yet) on the Wii, the control system adds much more than graphics ever could.

Please try again with Metroid or Super Mario Galaxy if you get the chance, and keep an open mind. It still won`t stop you preferring your 360, I`m sure, but it might at least make you realise why we all love the Wii so.

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 20:55

The golf rules, but really, Wii Sports is just a tech demo.

The best measure of the Wii is stuff like Excite Truck, Zelda, and of course Mario, with a detour along the way through Metroid country. I love the Wii to bits. It certainly doesn`t feel like a ten year old console to me, but hey - each to their own! ;)


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RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:23

Fab posts people. I supoose that the sports game isn`t really much of a demo for the machine then. :D

And hats off to Nintendo for giving away a free game with the console.

Yes, my signature has had the nintendo bit removed as it won`t make you tired quickly if you look to find the ways around physical extertion like I did! :D

I`d really need to see it playing some proper games. Shame it`s not HD though with no surround. I actually though the Wii was next gen. It`s actually modified last gen. DO all the games look and sound as bad as Wii sports?

I guess not. Don`t get me wrong, I still love Rogue squadron and Evil Dead 4 and goldeneye. I`l have to have a go on Ultra mario planteoid and see if it can sway me from M$. I appreaiate all the feedback on this.
I think my problem is people have been bigging up this console for so long, and my first impression was... ergh! WTF? A bit of a let down.

My DVD collection


RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:26

I had one, but i sold it.

There were hardly any games I liked or wanted so when I was made a good offer for it, I sold it.

I thought when they worked, the controls were great. Metroid controlled fantastically, but im not a fan of the game. Most of the other games (generally non-nintendo), on the other hand wasnt great and there was a lot of shoehorned functionality in there.

The problem, really, was that nintendo are keeping the platform going themselves. The third party games are mostly s*** and the first party ones havent really been to my taste. I liked mario, but its not a 10/10.

So...uhm....yeah....when it works, it works really well, but there wernt enough games I wanted.

Having said that, I got a PS3 in its place and thats not exactly flush with games.

And the motion sensing stuff is even worse.

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

This item was edited on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:29

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:29

why not get a 360 ! :D

My DVD collection


This item was edited on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:30

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 21:32

RE: Had a go on a Wii ..

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th December 2007, 23:35

Are you the same NicktheGun who posts occasionally on Eurogamer?


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