Page 1 of The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

Gaming and Consoles Forum

The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th December 2006, 18:22

For me Zelda is unquestionably the game of the year! It had been Gears Of War but this has completely blown me away. It has reminded me of why I love to play videogames and when it comes down to it how Nintendo are by far the best game developer on the planet.
After an admittedly slow start and a few difficutlies getting used to the Gamecube-esque graphics the game naturally progresses beyong the tutorials into a game with fantastic pace and structure. All the familiar Zelda hallmarks are there with new elements such as the wolf transformation and Midna thrown into the mix. As the game progresses visually it does drastically improve and the musical score is beautiful. The Wii remote doesn`t disappoint either and after the initial awkwardness it becomes second nature (Although I was a touch disappointed with not having complete control of the sword swings ie, vertically and horizontally).This is a wonderfully crafted game and is definately worth buying the Wii alone for!!
So what`s everyone elses opinions on it??

"It`s not a schooner, it`s a sailboat"...

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

craigyboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th December 2006, 19:59

Well I`ve not been able to give it to much of a play, as I know if I put it on I`ll be on it for hours and Im normally too tired from work. But I`m about 10 hours in, done the first dungeon and Im currently killing the 2nd lot of bugs for the tears of light (so not very far im sure) - I do tend to do a lot of aimless wandering just whacking grass though.

Got to agree though, its very good very well structured and I`m sure it only gets better.

Have you completed it then?? Heard its easily 50+ hours. Will probably be more like 100+ for me.

I`m looking forward to doing a bit more fishing!!!

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th December 2006, 08:08

the gf is really enjoying it, she enjoyed Windwaker and Ocarina too.

she is saying this one seems harder. Can`t tell you more than that as I haven`t seen too much of it as I don`t want spoilers for when I get round to it!


RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

elephant (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2007, 17:15

:/ I`ve been extremely dissapointed withthis so far.I`m about 3 hours in (on the first set of bug collecting) and it`s been completely linear, with no exploring and slightly confusing fighting.
I`m going to keep going and hope it improves and opens out.I`ve much prefered the likes of Dragon Quest 8 and Dark Cloud 2 up to now. :¦

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2007, 22:19

:o :D :D
Wow. This is just soooo good. Some of the puzzles and level design is bordering on genius - it is just so inspired. The last two dungeons I`ve done - the Snowpeak one and the One in the forest where you get the Dominion Rod are fantastic.
Finished New Super Mario Bros on the DS last night too. :)


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th March 2007, 00:04

I finally finished it kast week. It took me 60 hours in total. Phew! This game was awesome ans I was so sorry for it to end..

`One love, one heart, one soul. Republic of Mancunia..`

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th March 2007, 22:29

I am absolutely desperate to play this. Note to Nintendo: Get Wii`s in stock before I jump under a bus. Please.

"We gotta go to the crappy planet where I`M the hero"!

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2007, 07:09

You can`t be that desperate or you would have bought a GameCube for under £50, and the GC version of Zelda.

Actually on ebay there`s probably some-one selling Zelda for loads with a free GC thrown in ;)

RE: The Legend Of Zelda: Twighlight Princess

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2007, 12:17

Nah, I used to have a GC and sold it. It was great, but I wouldn`t want to do it again. ;)

I really want to play it on Wii. There`s more to Wii than Zelda too, so there`s just no point going back. I will have a look on ebay though, purely out of curiosity.

"We gotta go to the crappy planet where I`M the hero"!

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