Info and forum posts by 'craigyboy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 9th August 2004, 17:11, Last used: Saturday, 9th February 2008, 09:16

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 175 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Oscars 2008

Gone Baby Gone should have been up for best pic ahead of both Juno and Michael Clayton, and possibly even Atonement.

Spot on, don`t see enough love for the film. Have seen most of the big hitters for the oscars season and would have to agree, its the best film i`ve seen all year.
I personally think Casey should have got the nod for it aswell - if he`s better in Jesse James I really can`t wait to see it.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: The Wii codes returneth...

Thanks guys, will try and add some tonight.
Mine should be 5908 7709 3789 6591

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Metroid Prime 3..can`t wait!

I bought it yesterday and after a few hours its really good. So much fun rolling around as a ball. Given me a nice break from Halo.
So what can you share with friends and stuff on it. I`m not really sure as none of my friends have got Wii`s :(

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Roll call (due to Where is everybody??? thread)

I`m Here 8)

"Dont mention the zed word"

LCD Wall Mount

Hi Folks

Was wondering if anyone could help, I`ve just moved into my brothers old bedroom and fancy saving myself some desk space by mounting my LCD on a wall. I`m not really too bothered about these fancy ones with the arms, maybe a slight tilt function might be handy - but I`m only looking to spend around £50-70 (or less if possible ;) ).

Now I have a Toshiba 27WL55, its a french model which was renamed 27WL46 in England (I believe). But as hardly any websites recognise this model I`m having trouble figuring out what fittings it is - I hope its the same as the English remodel. If anyone knows or has this model I would appreciate any info - as it was posted on here a while back in the bargain bucket section. As google`s not being too helpful :(

Also anybody know any good websites to buy a wallmount from???

Cheers, Craig

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Bionic Woman - Anyone watching it?

Now downloading it, Will give it a few weeks to see what it`s like.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: XBOX 360: CoD4 BETA Test (Free)

You can also get a Free COD4 Beta by signing up for an account with Eurogamer and following the links, I just did it and should (fingers crossed) be sent it on the 10th.

Saves you preodering with GAME as I`m sure you can probably get it cheaper elsewhere!!
If anyone needs a link let me know.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: XBOX 360: Halo 3 Thread

I`ve preordered it, cannot wait to be honest.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Reign Over Me

I watched this yesterday, thought it was very good. Some great acting by Cheadle, Sandler, Tyler & Mrs Smith. Was very moving and also in parts very funny, which is something that a lot of films struggle to blend together. Must admit It nearly had me reaching for the tissues at a couple of points namely....

....When he first opens up to Cheadle about his family & when he speaks to his mother and father in law after the court hearing and he pecks her on the cheek, it was very well played.

Was well worth the watch.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Be Kind Rewind Trailer

Yeah looks funny, never been the biggest fan of Mr Def but if he can play off Jack Black it can only be a good thing.

Will definately be keeping a look out for this one.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: How do I remove a picture that was sent by someone else to my facebook page?

If he`s tagged you and thats the reason its on your page then just click into the photo and there should be an option to `remove tag` - it could be next to your name, where it says who`s in the photo, but there should be the option there somewhere

Always helps for those embarrasing photo`s :D

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: What I watched this week (w/e July 29th)

About time I contributed, instead of just reading.

Knocked Up - Really really awesome, managed to get into a free preview screening a couple of hours ago. Its really really funny. I`d actually go as far as saying its better than his last effort the 40 year old virgin (which I loved 8) ) and that takes some doing.
I hope this does for Rogen what it did for Carrell, as he`s got that kind of loveable charm about him even when swearing his head off.
As with the previous film its quite predictable & straight forward, but there`s some very touching moments and some great work from all involved & the best Meg Ryan joke I ever heard.

Cannot wait for Superbad, I think it might just top both.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Bad or good news about the Transformers movie

Is that honestly all people want now?

No not at all, I was merely pointing out the fact that it looked so damn good you couldn`t tell.
Possibly my favourite film I`ve seen this year is The Fountain & I admire films that take that route. Except lets face it this film couldn`t be made without CGI - Unless it looked like an episode of the mighty morphin power rangers.
Yeah the story was pretty lame to say the least but I must admit I felt like a kid in a candy shop watching this sue me ;)

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Bad or good news about the Transformers movie

Well I f***in loved it

I bloody loved it too :D . Time just flew by as your hit by wave & wave of faultless CGI!!
Really really funny too, you can see why the kid is the next big thing.

Anyone else think that Megan Fox was a much better looking cross between Stacey from Eastenders and Mercedes off Hollyoaks or was it just me :/ :x

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: DVD reviewer 6 Monthly Roll call & name change update

I still like to hang in these parts.....

Joined on:
Monday, 9th August 2004, 18:11, which was 2 years 11 months 11 days ago

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Die Hard 4.0 (short review)

Saw it last night.....absolutely loved it. Went with 7 blokes and 1 girl and everybody thought it was excellent. I wasn`t sure he`d still be Mclane after all these years but he really pulled it out the bag, I`d go as far to say this is the 2nd best in the series after the 1st one (obviously). Yeah the story is a bit weak (there`s one in there somewhere) but this is one seriously funny film with more Mclane one liners than you can poke a stick at 8)

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: FLAT OUT Ultimate Carnage on 360 awsome !!

I got it too, not bad at all - can`t stand proper driving sims so this was a breathe of fresh air. Reminds me of Destruction Derby, what a game that was !!! :D

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: ISP Download Throttling

Cheers mate
Bittornado at the moment, as the latest version I`m using does have encryption, however it doesn`t appear to be working to well as Im struggling to get over 15kb/s. willing to give utorrent a chance, if the encryption works better on there.

"Dont mention the zed word"

ISP Download Throttling

Hey guys

I`m with BT for my broadband and have the unlimited downloads package. Now unfortunately BT feel the need to throttle downloads (mainly torrent and peer to peer) during the hours of say 12pm till 12am. Now although I don`t download a lot at all, I work 9 to 5 and struggle to get anything downloaded nowadays. Is there anyway to get around this - some encrytion or something??. I`m all for fair use and everything, I don`t really want to leave my computer on all day you see - but I struggle to get one episode of lost or the like done in a week nowadays.

Anybody`s ISP do the same??

Thanks, Craig

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Vista Wireless Network Help

Well I unplugged the computer and moved closed to the hub and strangely it connected. I just cancelled the startup of the netgear program and used windows to connect it. I gave it a static IP address.

I then done some windows vista updates and it came up and said that my netgear usb adapter was incompatible with vista and it would try and find an update to correct it. Which is strange I guess as thats how it was connected.

Well least I know everything works, so now when I unplug and take back to my room it might be ok (he says with everything crossed)... :D

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Vista Wireless Network Help

Unticked the box but it still won`t find the network let alone even give me the chance to connect to it.

I`m gonna change the channel of the hub tomorrow when no-ones connected to it, just to see if that make any difference at all. Might try and connect to it wired and download some vista updates as I read that may help. But i`m running out of ideas....... :(

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Vista Wireless Network Help

Will give it a go when I get home. Cheers mate

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: So I discovered Facebook yesterday.....

and then play s*** music that makes ya jump out of ya skin.

I`m guessing you haven`t added the ilike music application then ;)

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: Vista Wireless Network Help

I haven`t tried to connect without WEP, I dont think thats the problem though, as it doesn`t even find it.

Have a look in network connections for the wireless adaptor.

it might be that in the properties, you have to "de-select" TCP/IPv6
and revert back to TCP/IPv4

I think you may be onto something, as when I did look on the properties it did list both of them and I didn`t know which was which.
Can I change them though without it finding a network?? Will I have to manually create the connection.

"Dont mention the zed word"

Vista Wireless Network Help

Hi Guys

I`ve just bought myself one of them lovely new Dell systems with Vista Premium. Now as I was previously using a laptop I went and bought myself a USB Wireless network adapter (Netgear WG111 its v2 edition) and I`m trying to get it to connect to my BThomehub.
I`ve been on the netgear website and downloaded the latest software and drivers that are Vista compatible and that appears to be ok as the device manager has eveything as being enabled and working properly.

The problems lies with getting it to connect with the homehub, its only picked it up on a bout 3 occasions, but it then dissapears before I`ve had a chance to put the WEP in. Nothing else in the house has a problem connecting to it. Now I`ve looked and I have no conflicting firewalls (I don`t think).

Is there something I`m doing wrong or is there something i`ve gotta do in Vista?? Any help would be much appreciated. :B

Thanks, Craig

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: So I discovered Facebook yesterday.....

Ohh I kept forgetting to join, so i`m now in. It`s a little quiet though

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: `Jericho` New US series starts tonite

Is anyone else still watching this?

I watched all the episodes when they were on the Hallmark channel, but they stopped a few weeks back and I`m not sure when it`s coming back on, must say I was quite impressed with it.

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: 9 Words ladies use alot- To refresh you gents

Ella you are so right with that list. Cool! But should we be telling the boys what we`re really thinking?

It`s a good start but lets face it, it`ll take more than that to help us men understand the complex mind of a woman. So don`t be too worried :/

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: OMG!!!1111!! Theres a new LAYDEE on the forums!!!!!! LOLZ !!!111

Just wondering who`s gonna be the first one to bump up the `post your fez` thread :) :D

"Dont mention the zed word"

RE: What American shows have I missed out on?

Jericho`s pretty good, well worth a watch.

"Dont mention the zed word"