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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Is this the Playstation 3?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 10:09

Picture lovingly thieved from

Real or hoax? You decide!

It`s an ugly bastard if it is. It looks like one half of my old ghetto blaster.


They kidnapped Santa? That does not rock!

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 11:20

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 10:25

Sony always go for the unexpected don`t they?. But they must have a few designs knocking around to gauge gamers opinions. Its not due till 2006 is it? so maybe its a bit early to have finalised the design ?

I gonna kill that firefox spellchecker, and enjoy doing it.

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I have a Philips DVDR70 (dons hard hat and jumps in bunker ready for incoming verbal abuse!)

( I know I`m getting old, but I really must proof read what the heck I type on the keyboard before posting, and then again, and again, and again and... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum)

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 10:28

Right enough. But after the aesthetic monstrosity that is the PS2, you`d think they`d go for something a little more.. sexy.

The original Playstation. Now there`s a fine looking console.


They kidnapped Santa? That does not rock!

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 10:43

It looks like the projector in one of the bottom pictures, so I`m saying definite hoax. Hopefully Sony will be showing the console at E3 this year (and it won`t be that ugly bastard). It wouldn`t surprise me if the console is pretty much finished though, I`ve read a few reports on the net that Microsoft are planning to release the Xbox 2/Xenon this Christmas :o

..................roll on E3 :D

A.C.C General BUFF2K

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 11:42

I`d say hoax. Or at least a test design. It looks like a cross between a projector and a Sony CyberShot camera (which I suppose is pretty clever).

But since the buzz at the mo is on digital convergence, I doubt they would go for that. Theres no way you could fit the bastard under your tv!

I Dont know Karate...but I know Ker-azy!
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 15:29

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 14:31

Looks like you were right after all Matthew66, the photo you have is on the cover of one of the playstation mags as the new PS3!!

I gonna kill that firefox spellchecker, and enjoy doing it.

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I HAD a Philips DVDR70...... now I`m getting withdrawal symptoms

... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 15:33

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Eternaldark (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 15:17

Has to be a hoax, sony announced they may still go with HD-DVD rather than blu-ray to stop a format war. And doubt sony would let slip the design this early

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd April 2005, 08:49

To mean to buy the mag, and its in a plastic bag to hold the usual give-aways, Disc`s, games guides etc. I was not able to look inside to see what they said. The mag is quite legit, and not the sort to be taken in. So who knows?

I gonna kill that firefox spellchecker, and enjoy doing it.

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I HAD a Philips DVDR70...... now I`m getting withdrawal symptoms

... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd April 2005, 09:54

RE: Is this the Playstation 3?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 23rd April 2005, 15:09

What mag is it? An unofficial mag could have jumped onto it not realising the hoax(y?) nature of it.

When the pic first appeared, very few sites were bold enough to proclaim it a hoax outright. Too many sites/magazines/journos have been burned in the past by thinking they have a better knowlege of the industry by making irrational judgement calls and dismissing claims they think sound implausable while others embrace them. (Console with a hard drive? Hand held with PS2 power? Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 on Xbox? - NEVER!!! etc etc)

Or, to look at it another way, an official mag could have put the mock up on cover to re-direct attention away from the new Microsoft console (and face the consequences later...) After all, Sony won`t be first to the table with the next-gen console this time.

But at the end of the day, the majority of games journalism in print is complete gash. I take everything in them with a pinch of salt.

And my jury is still out on the pic... ;)

"Do-do-do, da-da, do-do-do, this is insania (a combination of the words `insect` and `Castlevania`)! Good day, mate. I`m Peter Andre, the famous singer. I tell you, mate, me and my crew are always getting up to nischiefties (a combination of the words `naughtiness` and `mischief`). Last night we were on the swings in the park and Jordan wrote `P.Andre luvs boyz` on the seat. Man, she`s one bad nollop (a combination of the words `nasty` and `trollop`). If I hadn`t managed to control my temper I`d have taken her marker pen, and rammed it right up her stinking revagtum."
( - Do You See?)

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