Info and forum posts by 'pumpdad'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 11:53, Last used: Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 11:53

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: STAR WARS EP 2 Figures!!!

Just popped along to my local Toys R Us store and they have released another six more figures including Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (again), Jango Fett and Djas Puhr from A New Hope. Yum

RE: STAR WARS EP 2 Figures!!!

Yes, The one`s I need are Shaak Ti, Count Dooku and Royal Coruscant Guard. I saw Count Dooku for £14 (ouch) and thought that was a bit too expensive, when I can get it in a few weeks for £5.99!

STAR WARS EP 2 Figures!!!

How many of you out there are collecting the new SW EP2 3 3/4 Figures? I`ve got 23 so far and I need 3 more to be up to date with my collection. Does anyone know how many there are in total and when the next load are due out? Cheers guys :-)

Phillips Pronto!!!

I`ve just got my shinny new Phillips Pronto remote this morning and was wondering how you assign a single button to turn to different channels, say on Sky tv for instance. Also is there any good sites to download new pages for it other than Phillips?

RE: set up discs

I had the same problem when using the THX setup you get on certain dvd`s. I use a projector to watch movies, and i find that on some scenes you loose detail because it`s too dark! Maybe we`ll have to live with it. :-(

RE: DVD Region X!

I bought the mag today and the disc on the front only lets you change the reg coding 5 times, then you can`t use it any more!

DVD Region X!

I`m thinking about buying the DVD Region X for the Playstation 2 but i`m curious about how it works. Is there any way you can play reg 1 dvd`s without having to put this disk in before you watch every time? This sounds very inconvenient! Please help. :-)

RE: A.I Packaging

I CAN CONFIRM that the packaging is the same as the 2-disc box Gladiator and Final fantasy!!!! I hope this has cleared it up. :-)

RE: Metal Gear Solid 2!!!!!!

Yo Mike, I`m with you on that one!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 21:57

Metal Gear Solid 2!!!!!!

I know this has nothing what so ever to do with this forum but how many of you are holding your breath for MGS2! I`ve even got a day booked off of work to play it! I pre-ordered it at for £35 but can you get it cheaper than this, also will I get it on day of release?

Cheers guys. ;-)

Training Day?

Does anyone know if any website, particularly Movietyme is shipping Trainig day yet as I can`t wait any longer!

Cheers guys ;-)

Evil dead shipped?

I`ve just been looking on the Movietyme website forums and some lucky people say that their copies of Evil Dead b.o.t.d have been shipped. I have ordered my copy just in case this is true! Can anyone confirm this.

Cheers guys :-)

Projector Placing?

Does anyone have some good suggestions on where and how to place a table top projector? I have a sony vpl-cs3 and it does`nt have ceiling mount facilities. At the moment I have it on a coffee table and it`s always getting bumped, so it has to be re-focused every time!

Also some help on the screen. Im using a rollerblind thats 2 metres across and though it does a fairly good job, I now have the funds to buy a dedicated one. How much would it cost for the same size sreen as the above and where from?

I know someone can help, cheers guys.

RE: Evil Dead at play!

Yes, This will be the same with the leather cover on the front! My question was`nt that clear, I was on about the R1 release.

Evil Dead at play!

Does anyone know if are going to stock Evil Dead BOTD for the 5th March, and if so how much? The cheapest i`ve seen it for is £30 at Dvd Concept.

Cheers guys.

Bad Taste Ltd Ed

I recently noticed the movie, Bad Taste: Limited Edition advertised in a magazine. I wanted to know exactly what the differences are between the limited edition and the standard version. Is the new DVD worth purchasing, rather than the original? Does anyone have a copy of the new version and if so, what do you think?


I rcently downloaded the new Starwars trailer from the internet, taking nearly 2hours! I was wondering if there is any way of saving this to floppy or hard disk?
Cheers guys.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 19:16

Play early releases!

Today I recieved Kiss of the dragon, The sixth sence vista series and American pie 2! these are`nt out until 15th and 22nd of jan, Has anyone else recieved early dvds from play? THIS WEBSITE RULES!!!

RE: Evil Dead-Book Of The Dead?

The same here, I have the R2 special ed, The very first edition on R1 and the VHS version but I still want the book version on the 5th March!

Evil Dead-Book Of The Dead?

I keep hearing that there is going to be a special edition Evil Dead DVD with the cover that is actually the book from the film due out soon! Anyone know any news. Also, anyone looking forward to the 3-disc set of Pearl Harbor out in May?

Multiple inputs?

I have a Sony projector with only one s-video input. The problem is that I want to connect the dvd player, a PS2 and Sky digi to the projector using just this input. I heard that you can connect all three to the inputs on an av amp and use the monitor output from the amp to the projector! Is this a good option and if so, will I loose pic quality. Cheers guys

Jeepers Creepers

Ive just checked my account at Play and they`ve already posted Jeepers Creepers, which is`nt out for another two weeks! Anybody else had early dvd`s from Play?