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Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

Trip Fontaine (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 14:02

Help needed...I`m in the process of transferring my video collection to DVD and I just need 6 or 7 more titles until I complete my list.
So I need help to determine which is the best region (in terms of sound, extras, picture quality) or whether you know if it would be worth hanging fire on a purchase because a superior version is in the pipeline (i know this frustration, particularly with a new version of Apocalypse Now coming out within a year of the last one)

The wanted list includes

Pulp Fiction (I hear the R4 version is the best)
Blade Runner
Mean Streets
Usual Suspects (Again Region 4 but I believe its only Dolby 2.0)

I`m also a big Coen Brothers fan

I gather they are, like Scorsese, not the type of people to do audio commentary, but are there any plans for any of their releases to get the full DVD treatment rather than a couple of trailers??

Here`s hopin somebody knows?



RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

duncsy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 15:00

I cant help you with all your queries but Blade Runner and The Usual Suspects are going to be re-released as special editions early in 2002.

So i would personally hold out till then as these editions are going to be far more superior to whats currently available.


RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

chrisd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 15:53

Pulp Fiction, you`re right apparently R4 is the best, see for comparisons. Just ordered (and received) Pulp Fiction "Special Collection`s Edition" from DVD Crave for $34.55 Canadian incl. P&P (£12ish). Hope this helps.

RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

I Zombie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 19:38

I think Criterion are working on a Pulp Fiction special edition for next year
As for the Coen Brothers a director`s cut of Blood Simple has just been released on region 1, not sure about the extras but i think there is a commentary but not by the Coens.

RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

Trip Fontaine (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 10:07

Cheers guys....looks like I`ll save my pennies for next year then.

RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 11:11

The Pulp Fiction Special Edition is very much a rumour that`s been circulating for a long time. There`s never been any official confirmation that I can recall.

RE: Help?? Pulp Fiction? Usual Suspects? Fargo? Mean Streets? Raising Arizona?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 13:37

Pulp Fiction is going to be re released in region 2 as well soon. I saw a leaflet in a dusk til dawn 2 discs special edition which also had a trailer.
Raising Arizona I bought for about £10 from

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