Page 1 of DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

DVDs & Films Forum

DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

hansolo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th September 2001, 13:11

Just in case you were waiting for the iminent release unfortunately events in America have taken over!

RE: DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

fruitybones (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th September 2001, 00:59

Strange thing is though play247 say they have it in stock, picture of a tower on the cover and "tower of terror" is one of the episode titles
I only noticed cos they`ve got a banner ad for it on their site.

RE: DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th September 2001, 23:03

recalls normally take 1-2 weeks to be completed.

RE: DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

ian turner (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 16:22

Hmm I seem to have a copy of the offending (literally supposedly) DangerMouse DVD with original artwork. Play247 dispatched it on the saturday before the original release date. One of the times it pays to preorder i guess

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