Info and forum posts by 'hansolo'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 14:07, Last used: Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 14:07

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 53 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

More bargains to be had at Play247

More special promotions added to their site, some good deals in there.

DVD Recording


I have successfully recorded dvd on to video but when I play it back through the video in my bedroom the picture is awful. The TV in my bedroom is somewhat of an antique so doesn`t have scart connection is this why the picture is so bad as when played through the video in the front room which is scart connected it is fine.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated.


RE: Anyone seen .......Star Wars Episode 2 Trailer yet - POSSIBLE SPOILER?

Does look good but I think this time I will try not to get carried away by the hype as no film ever lives up to its hype.

Noticed in one shot Anakin has green light sabre and Obi-Wan has a blue one then later shot of Anakin in a fight using a blue light sabre - is it Obi-Wans - if so why is he using it?

Or of course the effects guys may have made a big mistake!

RE: Thanks for Nothing Lidl

You could paint the black one silver :-)

"Michael Ironside is a fantastic actor - discuss"

Well at least his black leather jacket is!

Underrated character actor in my opinion:

Who can forget his Ham Tyler in V, Richter in Total Recall and his ability to explode heads in Scanners among many other things

What do you all think?

Movieshop - Who are they what are they?

I believe these are a "copied dvd" supplier.
I`ve heard a lot of horror stories about copied dvds but would be grateful to hear people`s views on them, especially if they have used this company.

Are they really that inferior to originals etc?

RE: Be very afraid.

not bram stoker`s dracula?

RE: Jeepers Creepers

I agree it was very disappointing. Started so well playing with the viewers imagination by not showing a lot and then played safe and went ito a monster movie - real shame

RE: Memento

According to DVDCompare its best to wait for the film to come out on Region 2 which will have both the chronological order and bonus features whereas the canadian version only has chrono feature and the region 1 version only has bonus features.

I think region 2 is due out in January if you can wait

RE: Magnolia help!!!! ***SPOILER****

The way I see it is that at the start of the film there are those strange but true stories of weird things that happened, such as the diver who gets picked by a fire-fighting plane etc. I believe there is a book of strange things that have happened.

And the frog fall was something that happened as they say in the film, something like "its strange but it did happen". So the film is merely ending like it started - obviously PT read this strange but true story and must have thought now I`ll build a film around it.

Thats the way I see it - don`t believe it has any biblical reason.

RE: Godfather Trilogy - Region Differences?

Try I think you`ll find its a draw but region 1 may have an easter egg that region 2 doesn`t have

RE: Anyone seen The Pledge/got it on DVD

I haven`t seen it but have heard good things.

Jonathan Ross raved about it on 2001 and Alexander Walker in the Evening Standard gave it 3 stars out of 3 (which is rare for him). However he also gave A.I. 3 stars, but I reckon thats because Kubrick was a mate!

I might go and see it before purchasing though, but would also love to hear from those who have seen it.

Nicholson & Helen Mirren in the same film - has to be good!

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

I think you should do something reminiscent of the scene in "Goodfellas" get a few boys together grab postie outside the depot then:

"From now on, any package from Play247 to that kid`s house comes directly here. You understand? Or in the the f**king oven you go, head first"
The image freeze-frames as the postman`s head is shoved into the hot oven

Problem is you may never receive any mail again!

RE: Am I a pillock or what?

Is it something like "Cum Shots Vol whatever"?


Sorry forgot to say, region comparison at which basically states its a draw between all 3 regions.

I ordered mine from for $40.82 (inc p&p) which is approx £14.53 not bad I say and normally delivers quick.

Hope this helps


I agree with the milkman.
As long as the subject heading is clear that this is a request for bargain information rather than a bargain statement then why shouldn`t it be on the Bucket forum? Because lets face it this forum is for finding out where the cheapest disks are.

Should I have posted this on the General Forum?

RE: Conundrums - Calling all reviewers HELP !

2 Little Dickie Birds Sitting on the Wall

DVD Cock-ups

After the "Do I be honest with Play" thread I was wandering if anyone else had had any unexpected bonuses during their DVD purchasing career.

My best: Bought Aliens, got home unwrapped it only to find 2 copies of the DVD, so being the unscrupulous chap that I am took it back to the shop (minus the spare copy) and swapped it for another DVD!!

I don`t believe I did anything wrong!!!

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Yeah but Roger answer my question would you buy Godfather boxset or anything else you wanted that you knew had been incorrectly priced on the off chance you may save yourself some cash


would you alert play to their glaring error and sleep well knowing you did the right thing and letting the DVD industry continue to rip us off?

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?


It works because we think we`re getting a bargain when eg we see The Godfather boxset for £4.50 and then post a bargain on this site, then everyone puts themselves out in trying to buy said item, only to be told that it should cost £45.00 as was a pricing error, ergo we pay for loss of expected bargain (extreme example).

Now I`m sure if you saw this on their site you would buy it knowing it was a pricing error and hoping that either they don`t notice it or honour it. So in a way them making a mistake and sending you 2 dvds instead of one should fall into the same category as in a way you`re trying to rip them off for their mistake.

Are you telling me you wouldn`t buy a dvd you knew to be mispriced in the hope it wasn`t spotted?

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Personally I would have kept the disc.
They maybe a great company but when they make pricing errors and don`t honour them we pay for their mistake.
So if they make a mistake in sending out too many DVD`s then its their fault and unless they spot their error then tough.

RE: Scary Films?

the start and end of When A Stranger Calls


OK I seem to remember some gossip about the dvd playing this film in chronological order but only in France.

Is it true that it only works on the French version or does it work on the region 1 version aswell?

If it only works on the french version I take the actual film is still in english and can be played without subtitles (ie works like a normal english dvd)?


DangerMouse DVD (Well someone maybe interested)

Just in case you were waiting for the iminent release unfortunately events in America have taken over!

RE: The most depressing movies Ever *SPOILER*

Only films that have made me cry/lump in the throat would have to be:

The Elephant Man
Kramer v Kramer
Schindler`s List - especially near the end when he starts to put a life to every possession he owns - "this pin, solid gold, 2 people maybe one"
The Green Mile
Somewhere in Time (Don`t ask me why!)

RE: Horror films that are actually scary -SPOILER

Although not a great film the start (and to some extent the end) of When A Stranger Calls has to be one of films scariest moments. The build up of tension and the shock realisation that he`s phoning from in the house had to be one of the most scary movie moments - "Why don`t you go and check the kids!"
Shame the middle of the film is a disappointment but you must see the first 10 mins.

Others The Shining and Carrie - I remember as a youngster literally falling off my seat when her hand came out of the grave at the end!

Also Salem`s Lot - that little kid floating outside and scratching at the window spooks me all the time.

I think Alien is a damn scary film too!

RE: Under-used actors, who would you mention?

Would have to say Christopher Eccleston - think he is a wonderful actor, wouldn`t say he was under-used but perhaps not recognised enough.

Also Ray Liotta - after out acting DeNiro and Pesci he should have gone on to greatness but made some bad film decisions after that and lost his momentum.
Great to see him in Blow though making a great comeback.

Also dare I say Mark Hamill?

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

The problem with conspiracy theorists is you can`t argue with them otherwise what you say is just merely propaganda and you can`t kill them otherwise you`ll be accused of trying to cover something up!

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

All this conspiracy nonsense is doing my head in.
Next you`ll be saying that our world exists only as part of a neural -interactive simulation that we call the Matrix.

RE: DDDHouse! Are the prices too good to be true for American Consumers?

Anyone know any good Adult titles to get on this site?