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Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

Wad (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 14:25

My brother in law is getting more and more into Asian cinema and I want to get him a smart film for his birthday. Something historical, maybe involving Samurai ? He has several Kurasawa films like Ran already, and films like Zatoichi, Hero, Flying Daggers etc - can anyone suggest any others ?


RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

Arf (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 17:56

How about Azumi? Recent Japanese film, the director is no Kurosawa and it`s not as good as those you mention, but if you want action in period costume it`s well worth a look. It suffers from a leading cutie who looks as though she doesn`t know one end of a sword from the other, but it makes up for it with enthusiasm, plenty swordplay, and a tip-top climactic shindig that has her steaming into about 200 guys all by herself.

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

darreno (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 19:17

I would recommend -

stormriders trilogy (stormriders, a man call hero, the duel) cgi enhanced wire-fu would recommend if you enjoyed hotfd & hero

or there are 2 3-disc "limited edition collectors box"

Babycart At The River Styx / Lady Snowblood - Blizzard From The Netherworld / Zatoichi Meets The One Armed Swordsman Box Set (3 Discs)


Babycart Land Of Demons / Zatoichi`s Pilgrimage / Lady Snowblood Love Song Of Vengeance (3 Discs)

or if you want to spend a bit more money

Lone Wolf And Cub Box Set: The Complete Babycart Series



RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

karlveer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 20:33

Once Upon a Time in China - Jet Li
Forbidden City Cop - Stephen Chow
Iron Monkey - Similar to OUATIC
Taegukgi - Korean war movie
Zatoichi - Takeshi Kitano

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

AH14 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 21:36

Iron monkey does it 4 me.. Iron monkey ;)

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 22:23

Musa (known as The Warrior in the UK) is a pretty good Korean period flick. It`s set in China , and has plenty of swordplay etc. Zhang Ziyi is in it as well, which is a clincher for me. Premier Asia has done a decent version, and you might liek to check out their release of Bichunmoo as well (athough that`s a little confusing).

Now that I have a few hours to spare I`m just about to sit down and watch their upcoming release of Bang Rajan, which is meant to be pretty good.

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 22:44

"Audition" - a cute little romantic comedy about a widower who pretends to hold auditions for a movie in an attempt to find a new wife.... honest... well it starts out that way. *evil grin*.

"Woman of the Dunes" - arty drama about a entomologist who is trapped in a hole with a woman who lives in a house in it and has to sweep/shovel away the sand every day to prevent being engulfed by it... mesmerising and really great. (Dunno how easy it is to get hold of though)


RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th February 2005, 12:13

JSA (Joint Security Area) is amazing, and readily available on cdwow for peanuts, as is Ping Pong, and Dark Water (from the man behind Ringu). All have got to be worth a shot.

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 08:47

"Audition" - a cute little romantic comedy

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wicked little girl you!

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I have a Phillips DVDR70 (dons hard hat and jumps in bunker ready for incoming verbal abuse!)

( I know I`m getting old, but I really must proof read what the heck I type on the keyboard before posting, and then again, and again, and again and...)

RE: Can someone recommend me an Asian film please ?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 10:33

The Seven Samurai if he doesn`t already have it. It`s the ultimate in historical samurai movies. Zatoichi and the Once Upon a Time in China trilogy (about £12 at CDWOW) are also very good and there are plenty of excellent Asian horror movies if he wants to broaden his horizons.


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