Page 1 of Man On Fire - Brilliant!

DVDs & Films Forum

Man On Fire - Brilliant!

mattwhite1 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:26

Watched this last night, and for what could have been an Arnie-style all action no brainer, turned out to be a really good, enjoyable film.

I found that the performances are spot on, not overdone like most of these types of films, and teh aggression shown by Denzel should surely mean that he is offered more if this type of role.

Without wanting to give anything away, I thoroughly recommend this film.

I notice that many have it in their best of lists for 2004, and it deserves its place.

as Paul Ross no doubtedly said "The best revenge action film where a man tries to save a little girl that you will see this year"

Meet The Wife

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:51

An absolutly brilliant film IMO. Great acting throughout and a pleasant change to see Christopher Walken not playing the bad guy which he was originally cast to do. I havent seen many Denzel Washington films but this definatly the best one ive seen.

Although the line Quote:
"The best revenge action film where a man tries to save a little girl that you will see this year"
is wrong as it is purely a revenge film.

He thinks the little girl is already dead until the last 10 minutes or so


RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:53

yup, watched this a while ago & it`s excellent. but be warned, if you have not seen the film Do not read the above spoiler :)

general nobody @ known as theogster

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:55

Same here - thought it was very good :) My favorite bit has to be when.........
He tapes the guys hands to the steering wheel and cuts off his fingers while he`s interrogating him :o

A.C.C General BUFF2K

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:58

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 13:57

if you have not seen the film Do not read the above spoilers

Isnt that the point of spoiler bars:D


RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 14:17

Yeah, good film. I remember getting it on DVD last summer and being surprised at just how good it was. A bit over stylised though, and it didn`t make my top 10 ;)

My DVD Collection
More than a Wookiee...

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 14:45

I thought it was great too :D


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 15:27

Isnt that the point of spoiler bars

i know i know, but some peeps are week (like me :D ) & would look anyway ;)

general nobody @ known as theogster

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

wingZero21 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 17:17

Yeah this is a really good film will be getting when it comes out on Monday! Another good performance by denzel...

RE: Man On Fire - Brilliant!

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 20:42

It was a brilliant film, full of tension and drama. The little girl is in The War Of The Worlds movie and is due to play Lyra in the His Dark Materials movies. No doubt it was this movie that got her the role. I was slightly disappointed with the ending, I know it wasnt commercialised or nothing but still it did bother me a bit. Anyhow the rest was great but not truly outstanding

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

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