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What are your fave films based on a television series?

i88o (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 18:07

As the heading really, I noticed that TCM were showing The Fugitive the other day. This is my fave film from a tv series - Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones are always watchable. The script is decent, there`s a fair amount of action, and I think it stands up to repeat viewings.

What are everyone elses faves then....

RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 18:51

Guilty pleasures - Charlie`s Angels 1&2, The Avengers because they`re so bad!

J Mark Oates

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RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

i88o (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 19:03

I watched Charlie`s Angels 2 for the first time two nights ago - WOW! it`s poor (but strangely watchable).

RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 19:17

I would agree with The Fugitive, I enjoyed both Maverick & Lost In Space, despite the latter falling into the script\plot from the hell towards the end, it actually managed to condense the main elements from the a few of the first series (b\w) episodes (launch, sabotage, finding the derelict ship, the "spiders", crashlanding & even the alternate future).

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RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

i88o (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 19:40

I too enjoyed Maverick but I went in blindly to see it, not knowing what to expect. I had never seen the original tv series or the trailer so I hadn`t got a clue as to what it was about! I do remember buying the laserdisc as soon as it came out though.

The only other film I`ve gone to see blindly was Erin Brockovich and I really enjoyed that too - maybe it`s better not having seen a trailer these days.

RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

too good to be true (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 20:41

Any Star Trek film.

RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 21:31

South Park - Bigger, Longer and Uncut. :D The TV show and the movie are excellent.

Edit - I may have to change my opinion when Royston Vasey: The Motion Picture comes out!


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This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th December 2004, 09:10

RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 23:01

Mission: Impossible. Watched it again for the first time in ages last week and absolutely loved it. Although I liked the sequel, it pales in comparison to the original.
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RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th December 2004, 07:44

Naked Gun 1 and 2


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RE: What are your fave films based on a television series?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th December 2004, 10:31

I thought this was going to a thread about all the 60`s comedies that automatically got features, after watching a couple of steptoes this xmas.

My fave of those is probably On the Buses. Or possibly are you being served abroad. Now thats proper comedy ;)

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