Page 1 of Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!!

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Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!!

Chode (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 08:57

The Best/worst product placement in a film thread reminded me about the first STAR TREK film on the Beeb recently, where Kirk leaves the ENTERPRISE`S outer airlock and you see the metal poles holding up the airlock set and the studio roof above it. I`m amazed they let it out with out fixing it. Even not fixing the tv version. Did they leave it in for the dvd and videos as well? Any other big clangers worth sharing?

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RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

playthefilm (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 09:48

Worst one where Pierce Brosnan, as Bond, surfs from the edge of the snow cliff, absolutely awful... Can`t remember which bond film it was but it was only a few years ago...

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 09:49

RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 10:30

Some truelly awful martial arts\action film (to drunk to recall its name & only saw the last 5 mins while channel surfing).

The hero & villian are fighting on a beach underneath a rock\cave lip, each trying to throw the other down a "crevice" further in the cave.

Quelle surprise the hero triumphs, bad guy plummets to his death & the hero gets the girl.

While hes getting a good snog, the "dead" guy is clearly seen creeping along the edge of the "edge" under the cave lip to get out of shot, his technique of trying to do this includes popping his head just over the top of the ledge & looking back over his shoulder. Or something close to that anyway.

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 10:34

RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 11:29

The Scorpion King towards the end of The Mummy Returns. I burst out laughing when I first saw that.

Got to agree about the Bond one (Die Another Day, BTW). Also in that film: Halle Berry falling backwards from a cliff and the dodgy fiery jet plane at the end.

As much as I love The Lord Of The Rings, though, there is some annoying blue screen work. Like in ROTK, just after Eowyn lifts Merry onto her horse, the CG`d in background looks completely false.

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RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 11:38

Some of those sfx shots are pretty good.

I`d have to say Escape from LA, the blue screen and CGI work in that film is truly awful, I could have done better blue screen work with a linear editing system (actually, I have!). Plus, the CGI of that thing he travels in at the beginning is worse than the graphics you got from the first Playstation.

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 11:42

RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

TheSurething (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 12:30

I think the creature at the end of Evolution, not only was the effect poor, it ruined what had been quite a good movie up until then.

RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 16:02

I`d have to say Escape from LA

Not only the perpetrator of terrible SFX, but surely one of the worst scenes in cinema history.

Steve Buscemi`s look says it all.....


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RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 16:08

Jar Jar Binks!!!

Any CGI monster- THEY`RE NOT SCARY!!!


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RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 16:21

Christopher Lee vs. Yoda - FX gone mental leads to Christopher Lee trying to swat a flying green blur with whooshing blue/green/red (delete as applicable) light beams! Actually, could Star Wars episodes 1 and 2 be included in this category in their entirety?


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RE: Following the product placement thread, WHAT IS THE Best/worst FX SHOT IN A MOVIE YOU HAVE SEEN!

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st December 2004, 16:42

Just realised this thread is about the best FX shots as well.

Pearl Harbor - the bomb`s eye view sequence, and the sodding great explosion just after.
Starship Troopers - the approach on Klendathu as the big spaceships collide.
Countless instances in LOTR, my favourite being the vertigo-inducing shots of Minas Tirith and the Ride Of The Rohirrim.

For the "worst" pile I`d nominate the dinosaur (apparently not a T-Rex, but very similar :/ ) in the trailer to A Sound Of Thunder. Totally laughable.

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