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The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 07:59

Got into trouble the other day when I said that I thought the old `Battlestar Galactica` series was a spoof on Star Wars by the TV people because it was so bad.

Oops! bad move, nearly got hung drawn and quartered for saying that. I mean it had villains Doc Who would have turned down as to over the top, and he had some stinkers.
But did anyone really take it seriously at the time ?

Bog off Foggy

This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 09:01

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 09:15

If I remember correctly it was in production & broadcast in US before SW.

Never saw it on local TV until the early 80`s in UK, but watched the pilot on VCR, a mate had a VCR & we hired the tape the first night he had it.

He was the first person I knew to actually have a VCR (Fergueson Videostar & resembled a small bungalow & twice as heavy).

[Nostalga mode off]

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 09:44

it wasn`t supposed to be a spoof. It was made as a serious attempt at a sci fi show.

I watched it loads as a kid, ending in the dire, Galactica 80. (awful)


The new show looks very promising, I thought the pilot movies were ace!

And I got the xbox game cos of them too!

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RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 11:55

It may not have been a spoof, but GL certainly thought it was, so much so, he actually tried to get the show banned, unsuccessfully.

He`s also tried to halt the filming of the BG film too, also unsuccessfully

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 12:12

I thought BG was pre-77 too, but turns out it was 78 to 79!!

so mebbes after all, GL was right! Lol...although I didn`t think it was similar to Star Wars...
SW was a rebellion taking the fight to the Empire, BG was a group who had been attacked and were running away to find a new home to try and live in peace.
Only the constant Cylon attacks kept the fight scenes going in BG :D
(Don`tchya just luff them original Cylons? and that "whoo-whoo" noise their eye made?)

More info:

And look at some of the user postings about Cassiopia! they thought she was someone rehoming homeless kids! Lolol

she coulda rehomed me any day ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 13:23

BG was a blatant rip-off of SW, rushed into production by Universal to cash in on the SW bandwagon. They admitted as much at the time (and that Fox - not Lucasfilm - had warned them off after reading Glen Larson`s outline for the series which had names like Jack Starkiller in it).

And the awful thing is it was deadly serious :/

J Mark Oates

Stretching the envelope of the meaning of "weird" TM.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 18:37

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 18:10

I always thought it was more a reworking of Moses & the Isralites, wandering lost in the desert, especially with the "egyption" head gear they wore in their Vipers.

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 18:31

He was the first person I knew to actually have a VCR (Fergueson Videostar & resembled a small bungalow & twice as heavy).

my mother in law still has one of these & it`s her main player :D (got it in 1983/4) and still uses it every day :)

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 19:22

Ok,,,Ok...this is a confession of a guilty sin...and inexplicable I know but....

...I hated Star Wars (too much Hype before I went to see it) but...LOVED Battlestar Galactica...probably for all the wrong reasons... :/

Then again I love The Monkees and hate the Beatles ..... ;)

RE: The old `Battlestar Galactica show` it was a spoof on Star Wars was`nt it?

posty (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 16:53

as a huge battlestar galactica fan i loved the series so here is some trivia.
its not a STAR WARS spoof its actually a STAR TREK spoof GL wrote it in the sixties it was origianly called ADAM`S ARK .
65 million people watched the first episode in the america when it premiered on 17/9/78.

its budget was 1 million dollars per episode so they could afford to bring in the same special effects team form STAR WARS led by John Dykstra to bring Battlestar Galactica space battles to life.
as per all tv shows it has a shelf life and that as they say is that,but good or bad

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