Page 1 of What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

DVDs & Films Forum

What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

Chode (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th February 2004, 16:41

Well bet you can guess why I`ve started this thread.!!

I`ve just got the remake of THE GETAWAY with Alec Baldwin and then new wife Kim Basinger. Vastly Superior to the low budget Steve McQueen affair of Jim Thompson`s book, and produced and rewritten by the original people. But the transfer quality is the pits. Like video tape widescreen films its a 2.35:1 print put onto a 4:3 frame rather than onto a 16-9 widescreen frame. So once you have hit zoom on the tv to use the width of a widescreen tv you are VERY aware of the lines and jagged break up of any curve. Its not my tv or player not coping either as I have a super R1 of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly put on DVD the same way, 2.35:1 on a 4:3 frame and no jagged lines their! Since its not on R2 and `lets cut it up` ITV only ever show the 4:3 print. If you want it, you have to put up with it.

So, anyone else with a horror story?

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th February 2004, 16:46

"Royal Hunt of the Sun". It has everything wrong with it that youcan possiblythink of. Appalling.

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

jarvis (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th February 2004, 19:24

for me it is `return of the pink panther`. it is not 16:9 so you have to zoom in. the transfer is the worst iv seen so when zoomed it is watchable at best.

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th February 2004, 19:40

My worst is Live Entertainment`s version of The Running Man - another crappy, non-anamorphic transfer, which looks like it was sourced from laserdisc.


RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 08:33

Highlander. The first edtion. AWFUL. pixellisation all the way through.

My DVD Collection

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 11:00

for me it is `return of the pink panther`. it is not 16:9 so you have to zoom in. the transfer is the worst iv seen so when zoomed it is watchable at best.

Forgive me if im wrong but is it not the Region 2 Return Of The Pink Panther that is very s***. Ive heard that the region 1 version is quite good and is definetly the one to get.
I myself havent seen many bad quality dvds

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 14:39

Highlander for me too! At least it only cost about 4 quid!

Rich Goodman
Columnist and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 22:10

Got to be the version of Zulu sold by CDWow which was supposed to be R1 but wasn`t actually region coded at all.
Appalling quality, even though it was only about £ 4.00 :(


This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 22:10

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 23:08

Dances With Wolves (ok, Region 4, not R1!)
Over saturated colour and non-anamorphic transfer.
Sub-titles for Indian dialogue are in lower `black bar` which means you need to view as tiny letterboxed image in 4:3 aspect to be able to read them!
My DVD collection

This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 23:09

RE: What is the worst R1 transfer to DVD film you have.

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 19th February 2004, 00:30

Dicanio, unfortunately both versions of "Return Of The Pink Panther" are sh*te, and for different reasons. The R1 is a non-anamorphic widescreen transfer of the movie from a passable print. Blow it up to fill a 16:9 widescreen set and you`re watching the movie through venetian blinds (like any NTSC non-ana transfer). The R2 is worse - a VHS master port-across pan n` scan print from a considerably faded and damaged master. The R1 is better than nothing, the R2 would have you in tears.

J Mark Oates

Do not be alarmed. That strange sound is simply
my mind boggling.

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