Page 1 of Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

DVDs & Films Forum

Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 29th August 2003, 23:52

Does anybody know where I can find the Region 1 version of the gift set box for under £40. I`ve found the R2 version for around £35 at several places (Amazon, Choices, Play) but all the R1 retailers are selling it for much more (with InterDVD`s £59 taking the biscuit). Preferably somewhere with fast and free delivery.

RE: Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th August 2003, 09:33

Why do you want R1 above R2?


RE: Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th August 2003, 12:15

It`s quite silly really. R1 films usually get released up to 3 weeks before release date, and last year I got my Fellowship... the week before it was supposed to be out, so I`m hoping the same will happen this year.

RE: Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

Reckless (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 30th August 2003, 19:18

You damn right it`s quite silly!!! You mean a whole 3 weeks?

If there was a technical reason (DTS - or whatever, anamorphic, extras, etc.) then fine but just because of a three week wait - lol!

RE: Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

bowenjones (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 30th August 2003, 22:55

Although I won`t be getting the collector`s box, I will
be getting the EE. The region of my choice will be R1
because of two reasons.....
1. The sound won`t need to have any form of pitch correction applied
(which the R2 version of the FOTR has),
2. The packaging is far superior.
The pal picture on FOTR is better than the ntsc imo, but the soundtrack
on these films is more important to me. After the negative comments made about the
pitch correction on the R2/R4 versions of Fellowship, I hope that they do a better job
on TTT as the picture quality will, no doubt, be excellent.
Even if the sound is of an equal standard i`ll still be getting the R1 as per reason 2.

RE: Two Towers Gift Set - R1 for under £40?

one_jedi (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd September 2003, 10:47

I wouldn`t say the packaging is far superior. From what i`m told there is a difference between R2 normal extended edition and the collectors extended edition (box set) and the box set version is made much better than the normal extedned version. Havn`t been able to check this my self tho! I was considering getting the R1 collectos box because of the packaging but after getting the R1 two dvd versions I just can`t put up with the NTSC judder, I enjoyed watching my gf R2 version much more. Plus after recently getting out my FOTR box set and looking at the dvd packaging it is such good quality I don`t think I need to get the R1.

Also on the audi problem at Micheal DVD (R4 site) they discuss this and most of them think it is much better than the FOTR efforet. One person deosn`t notice any problems, one person thinks they do but wasn`t sure if any of the problems were supposed to be there (ie fire crackling in the background), another person again doens`t really notice anything where as one person claims the problems are still really bad but not as bad as on Fellowship.

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