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Recommend some Anime titles

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 09:08


I am thinking of making my first foray into Anime. I am looking for a title with a Sword and Sorcery theme.

Can anyone recommend any?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

pungin (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 09:19

You could try "Ninja scroll".

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

wingZero21 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 10:04

Yeah I would definately recommend Ninja Scroll and if you like swords etc I would Highly Recommend Berserk the series, it is fantastic you should enjoy it if ya like that sort of thing!

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 10:41

Are both Ninja Scroll and Beserk a Hack and slash affair, or do they involve sorcery too?

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 11:19

Although its pretty obvious, Princess Mononoke is one of the best fantasy style mangas out there. I would certainly recommend it very highly. 3x3 eyes is a very good series to collect, as is Legend of the 4 kings. They both deal with ancient mythical beings and the like.

There is loads of good stuff out there. It also depends on how violent and pervy you want to get. There are loads of anime out there, but there are loads I wouldn't watch with my girlfriend. Even acknowledged classics, like 'Ghost in the Shell' have got loads of gratuitous nudity in them.

To my mind, here is my top ten that's relatively safe to watch with other people, who wont think you are crazy for owning it. (standalone titles, no series collections) Look them up on IMDB to see if you will like them or not.

1) Akira (obviously)
2) Metropolis
3) Mononoke Hime
4) Ghost in the shell (a few boobies, but nothing major)
5) Spirited Away
6) Ninja Scroll (although that is crazily violent)
7) Macross Plus- Complete Edition
8) The Castle of Caligostro
9) My neighnour totoro.
10) Blood: The last vampire (short but sweet)

You should be able to pick up most of these from a combination of, movietyme, dddhouse and your local HMV (they usually discount manga heavily in their bigger 'Clearouts').

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 11:46

Oh yeah, they arent all specifically sword and sorcery, but they are all very good.

It sounds like you want conan the barbarian in anime form and i cant think of many titles like that, off the top of my head. And ive watched loads!

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 15:35

blood the last vampire

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 17:49

Urotsukidoji: The complete Urotsukidji saga

Perfect Blue

Ghost in the Shell

Fist of the north star (not sure if its on DVD yet)


I found Blood very disapointing I recommend Vampire Hunter D

for live action Hon Kong sword and sorcery I recommend The Stormriders Trilogy


This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 17:52

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

cynic (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 18:54

Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust it gets a good review

RE: Recommend some Anime titles

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 20:14

Vampire Hunter D and the sequel Bloodlust are superb, 2 of my fav animes...a cool main character and pretty dark....they remind me of Westerns a bit, Pale Rider especially....

Ninja Scroll is a great action anime plenty of wierd characters, great fight scenes...Streetfighter 2 The Animated movie is also worth a look especially if u liked the game...manages to be a good film in its own Jean Claude Van Damme in sight...though SF V series and SF Alpha film arent as good (Alphas still worth getting if u got original though)

Akiras the classic one which brought it to the West i think, if ure into anime this gotta be in ure collection.

Ghost in The Shell is a Blade Runner style film...again good film, hitech espionage etc...

Studio Ghibli are worth checking out

Princess Monoke got picked up in US and attracted ppl like Matt Damon and Minnie Driver to provide the voices for the dubbing...another nice Fantasy anime..

Spirited Away is like a traditional fairy tale, kind of film Disney used to make...plenty of magic,,,sort of like Alice in Wonderland,

theres a few harder to get hold of ones ud need to import like
Laputa - Castles in the Sky
Wind of Nauusicia (sp) <maybe a US version called Wind of Amnesia

plenty more like Urotsukidoji (seriously graphic though sex and violence)

Lain (wierd but good)

Blood the Last Vampire(v good but too short i spose)

plenty more which i aint clued up on either...Rurorin Kenshin (Samurai X movie) sounds good

Evangelion series and Escaflowne also sposed to be good but i dont know where to start with them loads of titles out....

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