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Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Rich Davies (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 20:45

OK, own up… what with the news of over 11 million copies of LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring being sold on DVD (3 million being the extended version) I was just wondering who bought both copies of the discs.

Please tell me it wasn`t just me!?!

This item was edited on Monday, 27th January 2003, 20:47

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 21:10

I admit it. I bought the two disc version , then got the four disc for Crimbo.
The two disc is up on Ebay at the moment though.

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

pungin (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 22:13

Yeah, ok, i admit also. I bought the 2 disc version, then got the 4 disc on day of release. but i`m keeping both versions as i really love this movie.

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

kickback123 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 22:20

same here bought 2 disc then got 4 disc,so gave 2 disc 2 my dad as a prezzie (made me look good!!)

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Arf (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 23:00

Well, being a film fan as opposed to a dvd collector, I waited for the 4-disc only.

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 23:28

Ditto - what was a 6 month wait amongst friends - saved meself £15 into the bargain too ;-)

The good thing is that at least Jackson forewarned us that there would be a four disc version released later down the line : some studios would willingly have taken the money (twice) and run.

It was good to have the choice :-)

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Rich Davies (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 00:10

I agree with Clayts - the whole 2 version release thing was handled very well. Previously the whole re-release issue has gotten me more than a little worked up (don`t even get me started on the forthcoming 2 disc X-men set!), but this was different.

While the 4 disc set is far and away the better version as far as I`m concerned (both in terms of the film and the extras) I was still quite happy getting both versions because I was able to make an informed decision, as it was made obvious at the time that there were going to be the 2 versions.

Actually, thinking about it, I have no idea why I got the 2 disc version at all! Still, the point is - I have only myself to blame, rather than the studio if they had kept us in the dark... I am more than happy forgiving myself, but I would have been far less forgiving of the studio! Well done Mr. Jackson!

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 04:14

Happily bought the pair... and will probably do exactly the same for the next two :)

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 10:22

Yes, stumped up for both with the knowledge of when they were available. I wanted both theatrical and extended releases. They separate films as far as I`m concerned.

You`re not alone!

RE: Own up! Who bought both versions of LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring?!

Soprano (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 10:23

Yeah, both and likely to do so again....

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