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Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

DARKCROW (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 11:10

It`s an expensive time for all us DVD collectors. All the summer films to see and then to purchase later on in the year.

I tend to sometimes let off going to the cinema in the summer as I know that come Nov/Dec I will have to shell out another £15.00 quid to buy the summer blockbusters. In 2002, I did go and see AOTC & Spiderman which I indeed bought on DVD as there are some films that you must go see.

I will not be going to see "Star Terk: Nemeis" as I have read some reviews stating that it`s a little dull? Though I will buy it on DVD when it becomes avaliable.

Here is a list of potential discs that we all may want this year...that`s if there all not Turkey`s (That`s a sore subject at the moment!!)

The Hulk
Matrix Reloaded / Revolutions
Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
X2 - X Men II
Full Throttle - Charlies Angels II
Terminator 3
Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets
Treasure Planet
Finding Nemo - Pixar`s new film
The Fast & The Furious II
Sinbad - Legend Of The Seven Sea`s - Dreamworks new animation film
Bad Boys II
Tomb Raider II - Cradle Of Life
The Sound Of Thunder - Dinosaur summer flick with Ben Kingsley
Underworld - Tale of Romeo & Juliet with vampires and!!

These are just the big summer flicks, there are also films like Dreamcatcher, The Core, Basic, Bruce Almightly.

Personally, the one I hope turns out to be a great is "The Hulk" but theres also "The Matrix: Reloaded & Revolutions"...then there`s T3, it`s just endless..

2003...this is going to be a killer year for fantastic films, me thinks?

What films are you really pinning your money on this year?

Happy new year to ya all

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 12:55

Do not listen to the opinions of others, I saw Nemesis yesterday and it`s nowhere near as bad as others (especially that fat twat Knowles) have been saying.

it`s a pretty comprehensive list you`ve got there, but about half I can`t see coming out on dvd much before november

and that underworld film sounds absolute crap!!!!

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd January 2003, 16:05

Laughably TFATF 2 has had its title changed to "2 Fast 2 Furious"...

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 00:07

and no sign of Mr deisel this time round, just Paul Walker infiltrating yet another gang of street racers.

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 08:25

just get ready for Ichi The Killer


RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

Rawshark (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 11:18

god, as if the fast and the furious was`nt turgid enough they have to make a sequel...
the name is terrible too, but not quite as bad as the hugely imaginative title to the forthcoming sequel to "analyse this"
for all those that don`t know what it`s to be called.....wait for it......

"anylyse THAT"!


RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th January 2003, 20:54

The 3 must see sequels of 2003 have to be:

Jeepers Creepers 2

legally Blonde 2

george of the Jungle

It really doesnt get any worse than that does it?

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

Daywalker (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 12:05

Special edition of Goodfellas is out this year too.

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 12:25

jeepers sucked

RE: Start saving now....2003, another expensive year...

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 5th January 2003, 15:08

I liked Jeepers Creepers. :)

Ok, so it had an abrupt ending, but it was one of the better "scare" films I`ve seen.


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