Page 1 of independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

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independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 18:12

with Kevin Spacey
don`t think its about real sharks :)

Sue Davies

:) News Editor and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 18:32

no, but its a good film (mate bought in on import couple of years back)

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

tb1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 22nd September 2005, 05:39

and Sophie`s Choice with Merylt Sreep in Mail on Sunday - seems these free DVD`s beginning to repeat as this came with the Sun via Blockbusters last year

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

RayBanUK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 22nd September 2005, 09:55

Its a very good film actually and one worth actually worth getting the paper for. Spacey is excellent in it as a boss from hell.

RE: Freebies in the newspapers on Saturday

pmr12 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd September 2005, 22:38

There also appears to be another free audio book download in `The Times` on Saturday.

It is `Pride and Prejudice`, cashing in on the new movie release.

Last weeks download information was in the `Books` section and required a keyword to be filled in on the website.

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th September 2005, 17:46

nice one - thanks.

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th September 2005, 18:44

Couldn`t bloody find this one today :(

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

ShimSham (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 05:40

How stupid do I feel! When I read the title of this thread I thought the Independent were giving away chances for people to swim with actual sharks. (:¦

I didn`t the know that was the title of a film! :/

RE: independent saturday free Swimming with Sharks

DazMack1979 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 21:50

How chuffed was I to find `Cannonball Run` free in The Sun yesterday? Thought I`d missed out last week but nope, it wasn`t in Scotland til this week.

Hadn`t seen it before, amusing enough I guess, majorly overrated though. Still, for 45p...

Don`t suppose anyone has a copy of `Moby Dick` from last week`s (I think) The Independent going spare? :)

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