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Bargain Buckets Forum

Star Trek First Contact £3.99

tazz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 20:47

One of those magazine and dvd each month thingy is now out for star trek, like they have for the Clint Eastwood and Carry On movies. This one will be doing the whole TNG series and all the movies with a magazine for £7.99 each which I don`t think is a particularly good offer, but..... The first issue is out and contains the first contact movie for a £3.99 introductory price. Picked mine up in Smiths and have seen them everywhere so if Trek is your thing check it out. Dvd has 5.1 and is anamorphic (according to the box)

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

pointsofview (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 21:14

I`m not a Star Trek fan as such but at £3.99 I may take advantage of it. I found it for £11.49 elsewhere.

Can anyone confirm that it is the same film? :)

It`s only a point of view...

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

StickyStephen (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 22:56

Yes it is the same film

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

Kenobi (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 23:09

Is this one disc or two?

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

StickyStephen (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 08:16

1 disc

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 10:16

And its 7.99 a month after this. Which isnt bad. Im probably going to dip in and out when something i like crops up (im a sucker for the `Spocks Brain` episode ;) )

Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent.
Forty percent of all people know that.

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 11:58

(im a sucker for the `Spocks Brain` episode )

I think it`s just the Movies and the Next Generation (Picard) - not The Original Series (Kirk et al). :(
Go here for more details.


This item was edited on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 13:08

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th April 2004, 18:34

Gah! Gutted!!

Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent.
Forty percent of all people know that.

RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

Dazza001 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 10:21

Picked this up for €4.95 the other day, so was pretty pleased with that - a really great movie (& I`m not a big Star Trek fan).


RE: Star Trek First Contact £3.99

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 13:18

I dont think this will be selling very well at £7.99 as only die hard trek fans will pay a total of £479.49 for Season 1-7 of The Next Generation when you can pick up the Season Boxsets for £44.99 each and with the films all being re-released as 2 Disc Special Editions it seems to be they are just trying to cash in on the standard film releases before no one will want them anymore.

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