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Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th September 2003, 14:43

This looks pretty good; does anyone know of a better spec cheaper??

Dont even think I will get a second hand one better than this for the price???

RE: Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

Braindead (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th September 2003, 17:01

Darned good box, just got one for my daughter to take to uni. Got it from Technoworld but they`ve sold out.

Well impressed - I couldn`t find a better box for the dosh ....spent best part of a week trying.

Only snag I`ve found is that you have to set the graphics adapter to full harware acceleration to play DVDs. If you do that the outline on selections doesn`t work well on Word and PaintShop Pro. However, if you set the graphics to no acceleration then the selections work but DVDs don`t.

Minor problem.......

UPDATE...problem fixed with latest driver from HP site.

This item was edited on Friday, 12th September 2003, 19:10

RE: Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

Stephen A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th September 2003, 19:27

Dell sell decent laptops but are normally pretty expensive. However if you go to their site via, then you can get a bit of a bargain.

I have bought 2 in the last month and have been well chuffed.


RE: Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

webryder (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 03:39

is it me or is that compaq one a TAD heavy at 5.44kg???!!!

RE: Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

Braindead (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 10:11

Spec I have says 3.1kg but what the heck

Trouble is, the more features you get the more it weighs. The Compaq box has inbuilt DVD/CDR and floppy drive so you don`t have to cart around a hotswap drive.

Depends whether you want to travel the world with it or have something that doesn`t take up much space at home and occasionally want to transport it.

You pays your money and you takes your choice.... and it is a good price :)

RE: Decent spec laptop for a decent price!!

rigger (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 05:27

Hi all.

Check out

I got my Laptop there a few weeks ago, goes like a wee rocket.

Happy so far.

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