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Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 00:42

I've just watched the Vinnie Jones remake of "The Mean Machine" I have to say I was really disappointed by it. The Burt Reynolds original was a much better movie.
This got me thinking- what remakes have been made that were better the original?
Can't think of a single one at the moment…

Planet Of The Apes?
Err, no.

Don't think so

Never Say Never Again? (a remake of Thunderball)

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The nearest to a good remake I can think of is Ocean's Eleven.
Not a better movie than the first film & really over praised, but a okay film.
Hollywood seems to be obsessed with reworking much loved older titles- like the latest remake "The Italian Job" being shot right now (with that bloody Mark Wahlberg again!)
So- can you think of a remake that was better than the original?

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 00:51

How could you forget....THE THING! Though Carpenter did blow it on remaking VILLAGE OF THE DAMMED.

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 08:34

The Fly

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 14:04

The Fly
Ben Hur
The Thing
Maltese Falcon
Ocean`s 11
The Blob!

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 14:30

Talking of remakes does anyone know whats happening with the remake of death race 2000 with Tom Cruise called Death race 3000

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

jj01709 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 20:12

psycho 1998!!!

easy better

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 22:10

I havent seen that many of the originals that the remakes are based on, but those that I have, I say the originals are always better. Agree with you on Rollerball totally, the remake was the worst film I saw last year by a mile! (what was the 20 min of night vision bit there for!?) but anyway, just saw The Ring a couple of nights ago, and that is a classic exmaple of how a remake ruins the original. Takes the plot, adds in a load of meaningless rubbish that isnt necessary to the story, gets a load of rubbish actors (or popular but still rubbish if you look at Planet of the apes) and ruins everything that was good about the original (The Ring wastes the best scene of the original!)

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RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 22:25

I`m intrigued, and a little annoyed that Kevin Spacey`s company is remaking the Norwegian film `Elling` that I saw last week. Superb film, nominated for Best Foreign Film in last year`s Oscars and all of a sudden, 2 years after it was released, it`s being `Americanised`. Dreadful!

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 22:27

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th March 2003, 22:30

...Get Carter....`nuff said.............Pants!

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st March 2003, 00:23

How the hell did I forget Get Carter? Bloody awful film

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