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Can you name either of these movies?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 21:46

Ok, dunno if anyone can help me on this, they may have been TV movies that never got a second outing, but I`ve got a vague memory of seeing both of these films sometime in the mid 1970s.

The first one, I thought starred Warren Beatty, but looking on IMDB I can`t find a certain match (although it might be $ - ). It involved him (or someone else) breaking into a factory where they make playing cards, he then doctored the dies that printed the back of the cards, so that he could read the cards when he played blackjack at a casino.

The second film, which I`ve been searching for for ages and because I`ve been unable to find it, I think was very probably a TV movie, involved two G.I.s in WW2 who had been taken prisoner by and old German bloke. The German kept the two G.I.s in his cellar and pretended that the war was still going on long after it had actually ended. In the end they found out that the war had ended because the German gave them a tin of something (SPAM probably) that had "Made in USA" on it. They then escaped and ran into a bunch of guys in WW2 German uniforms, who turned out to be actors making a film.

Any help much appreciated.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2003, 21:55

Actually forget the first one, it was earlier than I thought and it`s "Kaleidoscope"

Would still like to know the second one though.

This item was edited on Friday, 18th April 2003, 22:57

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 00:04

Isn`t it an episode of the Twilight Zone?

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 00:15

Can`t help with the name of the second film, but it`s reminded me of an ok film I saw a while back where the opposite was true. An American soldier/pilot is in a military hospital recovering, told the war is over etc but its all a `cunning plan` to get him to reveal secrets.

Thanks a lot for dredging that up - now can`t sleep until I remember the damn name.

Still looking for mine, but was yours Situation Hopeless... But Not Serious ?

Bed time! Breaking Point, which was a remake of 36 Hours

This item was edited on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 02:04

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 09:42

WRabbit - you are a Star! I`ve been wondering about that film for bloody years and years and years.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 12:06


I came across it by accident when I was trying to get the name of mine.

Half way down there is word search, change the drop down to Plots and search for the stuff you remember. I think I found yours by German searching for: German prisoner war end

Very useful for those really irritating films where you can`t even remember who was in it.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 19th April 2003, 15:49

Yeah, I`d used the search many times, but it never came up with this film,I thought it was made in the 70s and I probably restricted it to search after this period.

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