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My Postman signed for MY mail!

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 20:15

I ordered a DVD from play247 one day but accidentally clicked the "confirm" button twice as the first time the next page that normally comes up did not load. So next day when I check my account to see if they have shipped it, I found out that I have ordered 2 by accident and that one of the order has been shipped already and the other one is at "processing". Therefore I rang them up next morning to see if I can still cancel it and what to do, and the lady on the phone told me to cancel 1 and refuse to sign for the other and ask the postman to return it to the sender and play247 will refund one for the disk (as long as I don`t open it).

No problem I thought, I can`t sign for it anyway since I`d be at work the time that the postie comes. So the day it came for the first disk to arrive, I got home from work to expect a postcard telling me I would have to go to pick it up from the head offce (like I did the week before with the godfather boxset). But instead I found the package lying on the floor and a little note on the envelope "Postie has signed for it, OK". Alright I thought, I`ll cancel the other one tomorrow.

Same thing happened, "Postie has signed for it, again, OK"

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh, now I`ll have to pay for the postage myself now. anyway that`s not the point, the point is that, can they do that? can they sign for MY mail? may be I ordered too many things from the net and he knows it`s for me and I can see that sometimes it can be quite handy if he just put it through the door when I don`t have the time to get it from the head office. But the main point is that, isn`t the whole point of recorded delivery is the person signning it in the other end?

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 20:21

If you know the postie, make him aware of it (so as not to p*** him off) and ask that he kindly not sign for your stuff in future.

Otherwise make a formal complaint to the Royal Mail, you or anyone else don`t want this to happen again no matter how handy it is.

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 20:33

But I never see him since i am at work when he comes.

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 20:39

in that case, send a letter of complaint to the Royal Mail...

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 21:33

a bit harsh... i mean.. the bloke is gonna lose his job for this.. definatly... an all he tryin to do was help i reckon... i wouldent go so far as to cost him his job though,, maybe just put a letter on u door adressed to "postie" explainin that although u r gratefull he tryin to save u a journy it would be better if he dont sign in future,, but thnx for tryin to be helpfull...... thas what id do..

signed.. your postman... lol

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 22:02

Thats nothing mate, I used to live in not the nicest part of Reading, just off Oxford Road if anyone knows it. Anyway I ordered a £250 graphics card and came home to find parcel force had left it on my doorstep with no signature from me and i didnt know my neighbours well enough for them to sign for anything. My front door was 4ft from the pavement.

Ordered a motherboard and CPU, about £200, a few weeks later, same thing, left outside my front door in a large jiffy bag.

A few weeks later ordered a case, yep you guessed it, left outside in a large box by my front door. As far as I know no-one ever signed for it, so I guess the parcel force guy did it himself and dumped the boxes to save having to take it all back to the depot.

On second thoughts credit to all the people who could have taken it without me never knowing and didnt. At least I never lost anything from this but I did stop ordering stuff until after I had moved. Now I just pick up any DVDs the postie couldnt deliver on my way to work the next day, helps while away the hours on a dull day reading about the special features for the fifth time in an hour.

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

duder (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 22:46

Yeah that is a bit harsh, he is only trying to save you a journey although in this case it`s not saved you anything.

My postie signs for my DVD`s from Play all the time - it certainly saves me going all the way to the post office at some stupid hour to collect the parcel.

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 22:53

Harsh? What if the postman delivers to the wrong address and has already signed it? Will you find out? Who pays? Where do you stand? I`ve never had a postman sign for my packages and I hope it never happens.

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

hansolo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 10:04

I think you should do something reminiscent of the scene in "Goodfellas" get a few boys together grab postie outside the depot then:

"From now on, any package from Play247 to that kid`s house comes directly here. You understand? Or in the the f**king oven you go, head first"
The image freeze-frames as the postman`s head is shoved into the hot oven

Problem is you may never receive any mail again!

RE: My Postman signed for MY mail!

jubbly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 10:32


Why don`t you get your dvd`s delivered to work? That`s what I do, else like you say they take `em back to the depot (which is only open during office hours, i.e. whilst I`m at work!).
That way you could take a sneak preview of your new disk at work (if you have a PC at work) & there is always someone there to sign for it.
That is, unless you`re ordering saucy stuff that you wouldn`t want the receptionist to accidently open!

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