Info and forum posts by 'Curtis Owen'

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Joined on: Monday, 1st June 2009, 16:11, Last used: Wednesday, 28th December 2011, 12:58

Access Level: Reviewer

About this user: Hello people! I record DVD commentaries with a group of friends at if anyone is interested in listening to them, we focus on all types of films from John Carpenter`s `The Thing` to films like `Ghostbusters 2` and `Animal House`. The next few films in our cannon are `Night of the Creeps` and ` Phantasm`, we`re also working towards a `Vampire Season`.

I write `Warner` inspired reviews at is anyone is interested.

I`m currently researching the films of John Waters and hopefully work towards publishing something in the future.

I love all types of film, ranging from the obsure to the mainstream, anything that turns me on, tunes me in and blows my mind!

This user has posted a total of 105 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.13 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


Has anybody watched this series? I`ve been watching a few episodes of the channel Yesterday and really getting interested. Its out on DVD in a weeks time, might buy it.

RE: Rambo - Ultimate Blu-Ray Collection £8.93 (Be Quick!) @ Asda online

DAM wish i came on this morning and found out about this :(

What DVD has the most audio commentaries?

It`s a question i`ve always wanted to know the answer too (lol). Having listening to the three commentary tracks on Rocky - i was wondering, does anybody know?

RE: Most surreal lunchbreak EVER

I went to see Columbo when it was in Crewe, really enjoyed it. Great to see him in person. I wanted to wait after it ended to speak to the man but my friend wanted to go home and he had the car :-(

RE: Lost my Dad sunday morning...

Sorry to hear the bad news. I lost my mum in Nov 2008 and know what your going through - just keep his memory alive through friends and family, that way he will never die!

RE: POLL: What is Steven Segal`s most enjoyable film?

Under Siege for me - i think its a decent well-rounded action movie - we should do a poll on best action heroes - Arnie, JCVD, Segal, Willis, Sly

RE: Sky News`s Adam Boulton losing it

I found it quite funny that you can play those two videos at the same time at different points - that sums up politics for me :)

RE: POLL: What is Steven Spielberg`s `most enjoyable` film?

I was going to put that one but the poll has only 8 available so i had to rub my chin and try and think of which ones to include and exclude, maybe that one in black and white shouldnt have been included with it being `most enjoyable`

RE: POLL: What is Steven Spielberg`s `most enjoyable` film?

Raiders or Jaws for me too. So i went with Jaws :)

RE: timecrimes!

I watched the trailer to timecrimes, it looked ace!

Well worth a watch!

RE: Thats Brown Done Then?

This has given me a spark to vote for him - in a private conversation he called a woman a bigot - thats good! At least he didnt champion her views. You always expect people like Brown to be right wing behind closed doors but this has given me hope that politicans are not all like the BNP.

RE: Metropolis coming soon to DVD including newly—discovered footage.

I was talking about that the other day with a friend, Neon was the magazine :)

RE: Metropolis coming soon to DVD including newly—discovered footage.

I love Metropolis - its not Fritz Lang`s best film but its a classic of Sci-Fi cinema - i cant wait to buy it even if i do own it on VHS (in its different versions) and on DVD. I remember seeing a print of the film about 7 years ago and it had footage that i`ve never seen before and have yet to see on DVD so it`ll be interesting to see this film again.

RE: Nick Drake

I hope its available on i-player!

RE: Leadership TV Debates

My major problem was that EVERYONE, including the news channels (BBC included) were waiting for them to make mistakes. I think they are missing the point. Who gives a s*** if they make a mistake. Thats not what its about. Give a guy a chance. If he screws up once why jump on him. Thats more news than the actual politics they are discussing. Thats why i hate modern politics - its more about show than anything else. It doesnt mean anything except who presents themselves the best.

RE: Malcolm McClaren - R.I.P

Jack Nicholson said Tuesday that he "warned" the performer, impressario and music businessman Malcolm McLaren.

The 70-year-old Oscar winner was dining at the Wolseley restaurant in London when a photographer told him about McLaren`s death.

After saying, "that`s awful," Jack added "I warned him," and refused to elaborate.

RE: POLL: South Park or Family Guy?

Family Guy is a piece of s***, its lazy comedy that a monkey could write.

RE: POLL: South Park or Family Guy?

This is something that devides the world of cartoon comedy, i have to go with South Park. Lets see how it pans out...

POLL: South Park or Family Guy?

This post includes a poll.

RE: POLL: Do you like, dislike or don`t care about tattoos?

Love the tattoos Stantz! They are great.

I`ve been toying with the idea of getting a Tattoo. The pain isnt an issue its just picking a design that will be on my body for the rest of me days. I was going to get a film inspired tattoo to reflect how much i love movies but couldnt think of what design to have. Maybe the shape thing from The Thing or a Zombie from Dawn of the Dead.

My mum died in 2008 and i want something to reflect that, but cant come up with any ideas.

I`ve been watching that Miami Ink and LA Ink and think `WOW` these are true artists.

RE: How would the world change and what would you do if you woke up tomorrow and there was no intern

Its a scary thought if the internet just disappeared one day and we couldnt use it - the world would change, i would change and the people around me would change. Maybe i would go for a walk in the park instead of watching someone walking in the park on the internet...