Info and forum posts by 'irunwithsharpobjects'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 31st December 2000, 22:22, Last used: Friday, 17th June 2005, 20:22

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Degree in `chav`-ology - Teachers wanted!

i personally feel the word "chav" stands for "Council Housed And Violent" ;) ;) :p


RE: Rocky Collection?

thanks daywalker i think i will go for the r1 just for the price difference seems very cheap at DVD soon compared to ezdvd and play



Rocky Collection?

Just been looking around on the DVD soon web site and notice the rocky collection HERE and just wondering if this is as good as the 1 you can get on r2 with diff packaging?


RE: Oh thank christ for that!!!

I think all ads shoulf be banned from the cinema...went to see x2 a few weeks back and the ads went on for ages...well into the time that the film was stated to start....i dont pay nearly 6 quid to sit there and watch 35mins of ads before the film starts...dont they make enough money from ticket sales, why so many ads????

by the way it was a uci


Disney DVD`s £11.99 @ Play

The Wonderful World of Disney Sale...

All £11.99 apart from a couple of special editions at £13.99



Anyone used these before???

Has anyone used before??? If so hows their delivry times and their reliability??



RE: A.I. playback probs...:(

I tried starting the DVD at the chapter after the layer change (well the point where it freezes) and the player just freezes up and need to power off before it will respond again.

I tried the disc on another player (oritron 600) and it player all the way through, but it did freeze for a while at the same point and i heard the disc start to spin faster...but then it just carried on playing.

So i take it that its a prob with my there anyone else experienced this with A.I. and a Dansai player? :(



A.I. playback probs...:(


I rented A.I. out tonight and was watching and enjoying it till it got to about 1hr 12mins (i take it that this is the layer change) into it then it paused...i just thought, hmmm layer change...BUT it just stayed paused

I have a Dansai player and was wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem before? Or maybe just a dodgy disc?

Any help would be great coz it looks like a good film and am considering the purchase..



RE: dvdboxoffice

Thanks for all the replies guys and gals, after seeing the first couple i went on and ordered a DVD from there and it hit my door mat only 5 days later, well impressed - Still :)



Anyone know where....


Does anyone know where i would be likely to get myself childs play or is it a no go?





Last year i used dvdboxoffice quiet a lot and found them to be well recommended by this forum. I havent been these boards for a long time and i havent really seen any recommendations for boxoffice. I was just wondering if they are still as good as they used to be? Also Adultdvdboxoffice, is the dilivery of the dvd`s from here any good?

thanks in advance


yet another macrovision question..!!!

I`ve just purchased some vcd`s and they play fine in my Oritron DVD player. I was just wondering if anyone knew weather macrovision is always enabled what even is in the player or is macrovision enabled by the dvd itself. So basically will i get a scrambled picture if i try and record vds to vhs?

any help would be great

cheers IrUn

hack for mp3 on the oritron???

Does anyone know if the oritron 600 is able to play MP3`s and if so does anyone know of the hack to enable it???



Oritron 600, play R1 or NOT?

I have a Oritron 600 machine and currently thinking of ordering a R1 dvd from dvdboxoffice. Does anyone know if this player can handle R1 i.e. out RGB via scart? Has anyone had any problems with this player playing R1 dvd`s? any advice and/or expirencies are welcome?



cast away....when?

I`ve just been to see cast away at the cinema and it was great!!! can anyone tell me when it will be out on R1 (thats if it aint out already)

cheers, irun

RE: Help needed urgently!!!!!!

well different players do handle the layer change differently and it also depends on the disc too! if all other DVD`s work fine then i would say that the way that particular is encoded in a way that ur player has a problem with.... But im no expert, just an idea!!!

RE: Help needed urgently!!!!!!

"I know it is NOT a layer transition and it happens in the middle of the chapter."

I know for a fact, that the layer transition can happen ANYWHERE on the DVD, no matter wether it is in the middle of the chapter or not. It will change layers whenever it needs to.
Best thing to do is to try it on someone else`s machine to prove this fact.

Oritron Rocks (It only cost us £99)


PLEASE can any recomend anywhere i can can buy VCD`s on the net



RE: best place to buy vcd on the net???

thanks for for sites but does anyone know where i can get latest releases in english coz my chinese aint all that good.
cheers irun

best place to buy vcd on the net???

could anyone tell me the best place to buy vcd`s on the net, and has anyone dealt with vcd`s from internet retailers?

thanks irun!


Oritron DVD600, cheap and nasty system, i think NOT!! Bought one day after Boxing Day for £99. No problems yet, plays 2nd disk on Gladiator as manual multi region selection, which defeats RCE and plays VCD`s!!
So in fact cheap and wonderful.

You could have saved a lot more money!!!


disable macrovision on oritron dvd600

does anyone know how to disable macrovision on Oritron dvd600


RE: dvd to vhs,,, please?

does anyone know how i can disable Macrovision on Oritron DVD600?

dvd to vhs,,, please?

i have a oritron dvd600 and want to record dvd to vhs is this possible and how do i need to link the dvd, vcr and tv. ie scart?

please help thanks