Page 1 of STandings make NO SENSE!!!

Gremlins Forum

STandings make NO SENSE!!!

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd July 2005, 00:12

Can someone explain the logic of this??
I have more fights than you but you are ahead in the standings!
I have MORE wins than you but you are ahead in the standings!
I have LESS loses than you but you are ahead in the standings!

17 (+2) Schroedinger IV Frippscratch middle aged 11027 65 5000 4382 316 158 158
18 (-1) UncUgly 8 UncUgly getting on 10922 2000 3022 3800 362 210 152
19 (+3) Thunder Lippy Lips bwb belly dropping 10566 140 4540 4306 313 158 155
20 (0) Mead Head wac77 silver haired 10506 2205 1711 4400 371 219 152

I understand the how.
X # of wins by 10 then add add stats to get score. hence your ranking.
BUT WHERE IS THE LOGIC??? it makes no sense!!!

You are rewarding the weaklings because they get more XP and for NOT beating someone up or even for winning, just for dancing around a ring and tapping each other. That is not boxing thats dancing! I though the rules were based on BOXING RULES?!?
Have you ever seen a boxer in a title fight not because he has a good win/lose record but because he can dance around a ring for 15 rounds! I don`t thgink so.
So can someone PLEASE explain HOW this is the way you rate a fighter in the standings.
Cuz by this logic a fit ballet dancer should be the Champ and the Rocky`s would be in last. The dancer won`t get hit but gest tons of xp where the Rocky`s loose not for lack of boxing skill but because the dancer was able NOT to KO him or even TKO him but cuz he tapped him more times! Dancer gets rewarded a win and More Xp higher spot on standing and NOT for Boxing but dancing around!

Is this fair to those with GOOD win/lose records???

RE: STandings make NO SENSE!!!

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd July 2005, 05:09

You are rewarding the weaklings because they get more XP and for NOT beating someone up or even for winning, just for dancing around a ring and tapping each other. That is not boxing thats dancing! I though the rules were based on BOXING RULES?!?

I take it you have never boxed.

The winner of a round in real boxing is the fighter who lands the MOST punches.

Not the one who lands a FEW, HARD, punches.

Just because the sort of Gremlin you chose to develop is losing out because you win your fights quickly doesn`t mean the system is flawed

Cuz by this logic a fit ballet dancer should be the Champ and the Rocky`s would be in last. The dancer won`t get hit but gest tons of xp where the Rocky`s loose not for lack of boxing skill but because the dancer was able NOT to KO him or even TKO him but cuz he tapped him more times! Dancer gets rewarded a win and More Xp higher spot on standing and NOT for Boxing but dancing around!

1) The dancer wouldn`t get hit in real life, in the game he gets hit at least 3 times .... that`s a huge advantage to Rocky

2) He does lose for lack of skill, that`s where speed comes into it, the ability to dodge a punch.

3) That`s what boxing is, getting in punches while avoiding them yourself ... it`s NOT a case of "stand there and trade punches to see who`s strongest.

4) The majority of real life fights ARE NOT decided by a KO, they are decided on points, which usually means the fighter who lands the most punches wins, and invariably that is the quicker puncher not the muscle bound statue.

5) The dancer wouldn`t be in the same ring as Rocky in the first place due to weight difference
Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: STandings make NO SENSE!!!

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th July 2005, 19:42

All that is well and good BUT Still does not address the problem that the standings are BIASED!!!

A Win is a Win is a Win! The winner of a match should get FULL XP regardless of how long the match went. The loser should get XP for # of rounds, the longer you go the more XP.

I get a WIN but am not rewarded for a KO as much as a win on points!! THAT IS BS!!!

In Boxing don`t they LIST the # of KO`s a Boxer has?!?!?!
Doesn`t the # of KO`s help in the standings????

So why is a Rocky fighter penalised for getting a KO??? While a dancer gets MORE for notr really boxing.

BTW Yes a dancer may avoid most of those punches BUT the few that Do connect (and some will) may send his @$$ to the floor. 3 of those is a TKO Why is THAT option not looked into??
If a Grem hits you for more than 1/2 your Sta I am SURE it should hit the mat. So Why not give the TKO option a whirl (I agree the hit 3X rule would need to be removed)

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 17:51

RE: STandings make NO SENSE!!!

eclypse (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 10:49

Actually that is only partially correct about using the boxing analogy, the world heavyweight champion of boxing technically is not viewed as having 1453 landed punches, 755 punches taken, then wins/losses. It is how many wins/losses/TKO`s. And even then in the real world all people care about is how many KO`s TKO`s and how many times he eats canvas.

This does not really apply here, I had one gremlin I did my darndest to get his win`s to losses up and was doing ok for a while, I accepted some challenging fights and even refused fights I knew where not going to go more than one round, as I though originally that You would want to win, as would any normal person, but this crazy scoring system is super flawed, as it does not reflect how someone who competes would be rewarded. I know this because my first guy never broke into the top 50 and he still technically did not have a good fight record, but it was not as bad as my last guy who was in the top 20??

Theintimidator 245 fights, 106 wins, 139 losses

Son of Stuey 307 fights, 68 wins, 239 losses, AND THIS GUY WAS BETTER??

I know this is just a silly thing to pass the time away and all but the originator of this post does have a valid point. While I know in boxing you can still be the better boxer and lose just by points, this is quite abit different, all I had to do is loose 77% of my matches, but not be KO`d to make it in the top 20?? does that make sense?

No boxer, race car driver, or football team would be in the top 20 losing 77% of thier matches, races or games no matter what the points standings are.


This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 11:54

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