Page 1 of Refused

Gremlins Forum


The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 17:27

Ralph Krenn - Krenn - Refused
Morley`s Pup - BugBug - Refused
Yukon Cornelius - Kris Kringle - Refused

you are all a bunch of arsenals, it wasn`t your challenge and if you got no XP so what. i know what it is you would of got a loss, oh s*** me. next time use a strap-on and shove it where the sun don`t shine

Thank you all who accepted my challenge today and a bigger thankyou to those who challneged me back and if im alive tomorrow i will honour the arangement

This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 18:32

RE: Refused

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 23:48

I read your post after I chalenged today
BUT if you want to challenge me I will accept
You`ll kick my butt, but hey not too many others have the balls to issue a challenge to a grem with some strength
I have only gotten MAYBE 9 challenges since the new rules started


RE: Refused

BugBug (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 00:35

You know, Fake -- that`s about enough of the language -- I have a daughter who plays the game -- and I know Sarah does as well -- I`m sure you can be a little more original in your blasts and come up with some nice vanilla ways to tell someone that you`re mad. Grow up, buddy -- and keep this game acceptable for all.

And while you`re at it -- suppose you tell me why in the world, when you have the strongest gremlin of all time, are you challenging people (all three of the ones you mentioned to be exact) that are so far below you in the standings -- you were at #6 and they/we were at 15,16, and 18?? Let`s see -- 5 above you -- 5 below you would take you through #11 -- all grems at the top are active -- why are you picking on someone that far down?? Oh -- and who is the pansy?? I suppose all the ten year olds stood around and let you pound on them when you were 18 too?!

This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 01:57

RE: Refused

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 08:18

And while you`re at it -- suppose you tell me why in the world, when you have the strongest gremlin of all time, are you challenging people (all three of the ones you mentioned to be exact) that are so far below you in the standings -- you were at #6 and they/we were at 15,16, and 18

from my maths it was 14, 15 & 17, and it was because when i issued mey challenges yesterday you were the top ten available to me to challenge. out of 17 gremlins, one was myself, 6 were busy. thats how you were so lucky to recieve a challenge, normally i would even consider kicking you backside around the playground.

RE: Refused

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 08:30


So bright eye what shall i do,

i`ve just issued 7 of my chalenges, that the top ten covered because 2 are busy,

No. 11 & 12 are people who refused me yesterday so they won`t get a challenge

so that leaves me with challenging No. 13 & 14, am i being a bully or am i just fighting the best gremlins available at this time when i get a chance to log on. you tell me, are these people going to refuse just beceacue they are selfish like you because you aint going to get any points or will they stand up and fight.....

OMG No swearing....Happy

RE: Refused

eclypse (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 16:48

If you are so much higher than me and it is obvious that one hit will do it, then expect to get a refusal from Stueys Clone, cause I am not going to take a 0 or another -number xp just so you can pad your scores with Stueys dead but, sorry it is not worth it to give points away.... live with it, if they fix the scoring thing soon then I will be accepting ANY challenge.

...and just so you know ask anyone who in the past 30 days who were in the top 20 if they had a little gnat named Son of Stuey challenge them regularly knowing it was a lost cause or anyone who challenged him you will find that he duked it out with all the heavy hitters, that was before this code.

This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 17:58

RE: Refused

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 19:47

eclypse, i`m glad you read all the forum post but just to up date you cus it seams you have missed a few over the last few days.

RJS has fixed the bug that gave you - XP. Also he has also made it now that there is a minimum of 3 XP for the lossers.

This means if you get challenged, you will still get something for free, so what you got to lose. (except for the fight).

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