Info and forum posts by 'James B'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 8th April 2005, 21:19, Last used: Monday, 12th March 2007, 06:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Apologies

Yes it was me but don`t worry I know it isn`t your usual play,


Please do not challenge Hopi V or Charli VI their owners are away on holiday and were unable to terminate their gremlins. Any challenges will not be replied to.

RE: Danny Bogoff is looking for fights

Well as I am now back from my hols I am, I hope, fit and ready to fight as well.

I will even accept 3xp`s from bonus !!

Let the battles comence.

ps well done on getting to the number one slot.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

It is with sadness that Mooch II died last night. Kept off the number one slot by Lamplighter, respect, at least he got into the top 10 of the alltime greats.

I am now going off to lick my wounds in Greece, that is the country not the slippery stuff.

But coming soon to a site near you, Mooch III, get ready to rumble.


RE: Close league near the top of the table...

Thanks sarah, was checking on the web the weather in greece, where we are going, and it is the same as here but with nearly twice the humidity. I do not know if I will be coming back brown or rusty?

Will still get a fight in tomorrow I hope, if I am alive that is.


RE: Close league near the top of the table...

It is close, though not in the placement I would like, at the top as well. Lamplighter and I have had at the most two other gremlins between us since we were created. It looks as though we will both die at the same time so I can not even hope of getting to the number one slot by default.
Hooch will have to die on Saturday lunch time anyway as we are off on holiday but challenges will be issued and if I have to terminate all chalenges will be cleared first.

RE: And lo, the Master of Orange Peel hath fallen..

bye bye SOPF your 31 xp`s will be missed. Sad your gone but glad my last fight with you was a win for me so perhaps it was time to go?


RE: Rounds VS Damage???

Answer, it is a game and those are the rules. If the rules change then the tactics and the balance of strength/stamina/dexterity would change.


Perhaps this is the key

because I am playing the game for more wins

where the majority of players are trying to increase their standing in the league, along with some friendly rivalry, a minority I think are playing a different game.

So a friendly decision would be that if you think you are going to beat eclypse, even if it does give him/her points, do not challenge. If you want the xp`s from having a fight accept any challenges given out. The Mooch family have, and never will, refuse a challenge and to date Mooch II has not had any refused, I am pleased to say.

All said with no axe to grind and in keeping with the good spirit of gremlins. :)

just as a point of interest if you are comparing your win/loose ratio to others you will find mine is better than yours.
To work now and will look forward to your comments when I next log on at lunch or this evening. ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th June 2005, 07:30

RE: A lesson for us all

It must still be the effect of all that training you did. As long as I can win a few of our fights I am happy Mooch.

lol (lounging outstretched lazily)


RE: A lesson for us all

maybe the old dog will curl up in the corner and fall asleep soon


You get the idea.

RE: A lesson for us all

Here is now the link

Taught by a 12 year old and learnt by a 53 year old. Who says you can not teach an old dog new tricks, and yes I an expecting some comment on that last statement.

Thanks charli

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th June 2005, 08:24

A lesson for us all

How is this for a fight, and sorry Arthur I do not know what Mooch II is up to today I thought I was going to loose.

Mooch II

Strength 110 less
Stamina 610 less
Dexterity 2065 less

but still won.

Lesson, never, ever refuse a challenge, you might win.

ps I would post a link but I do not know how. I bet that gets a reply from sarah or bethyblue, but now they have read that perhaps not?

pps next fight got knocked into next week in 5 rounds, oh well.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th June 2005, 07:34

RE: 5 challenges available today

Thanks uu i did need it but didn`t get any. Good 9 points anyway.

Thanks again


RE: 5 challenges available today

Oh go on then I`ll have the last one.

RE: i`m back :)

Hi Sarah, and Charli, welcome back.

Demise of Mooch

Unfortunatly I havehad to terminate Mooch so please do not challenge him.


Mooch II will be around after this weekend.


Correct me if I am wrong RJS but I think this is what you meant to say, just that you missed the bit in the middle,

if you survive the whole 20 rounds regardless of how many you win
, and it is still a draw Quote:
and you made the challenge, you get the points.


More than one gremlin - is that allowed??

Whether it is "allowed" or not you can. If you have the time and the email addresses you can have as many as you handle. After you have been challenging for while you might get an idea who has more than one, especially if they post on the forum with the name.

Wishing you all the best, as Beth 58%er would say.


RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

First one today was close, won because you were the challenger. Let us see what the next round brings?


RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

"you know you will get challenged everyday james B"

Oh yes, and visa versa, looking forward to the challenges and seeing the leap frogging up the leaque.

Until tomorrow

RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

You didn`t trounce me twice only once, the second one was close though.

Looking forward to many more.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

It is with sadness that Ogre anounces the death of OUCH. He was heard to say it often but also caused others to fear him as they knew they would be saying it soon.

was born on
away on

2804 2804 1376 435 282 153

He was not a donkey, but he was my friend.

Ogre has now gone off to the forest to mourn.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd May 2005, 07:40

Message to advocate

When starting I also fought those high in the leaque until I realised that I was getting thrashed all the time. As a hint look at those around your own level first to see who is fighting, the green bar will give you a clue. You can then click on the gremlins name to make sure they are fighting and challenge them. That way you will last more than one or at the most two rounds.

To quote beth "All the Best"


RE: Sorry Atomic

Brunce the bonus is also a lover of refusals

Yes he has refused me twice for no "real" reason. and I think for a third time as well as I forgot and challenged him in error.

Is he related to Atomic do you think?

Sorry Atomic

linked to the conversations in "Why Refusal", I refused your challange as it looked like I might get beaten.

Does that sound familiar!!!!!!!

BTW only challenges from those that have refused me, or from gremlins bigger than themselves refused. All others great and small bring it on.

RE: A message for gremlin owner Ogre

There is no way we will fight you until then.

OK then.