Page 1 of And lo, the Master of Orange Peel hath fallen..

Gremlins Forum

And lo, the Master of Orange Peel hath fallen..

Nert (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 23:17

Valliantly did he fight, worthy were his opponents, and fatal was his death..

The legacy of the Sacred Orange Peel of Fate is left unguarded to those who would claim it...

or something. Thanks for challenging him lots, all!

- `Nert

RE: And lo, the Master of Orange Peel hath fallen..

James B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 03:38

bye bye SOPF your 31 xp`s will be missed. Sad your gone but glad my last fight with you was a win for me so perhaps it was time to go?


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