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Rounds VS Damage???

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th June 2005, 22:43

Can Someone explain the logic of this to me??
2 Grems go at it for 20 rounds
1st Grem does Over 1000 points of damage bringing grem 2 very close to knock out
2nd Grem does only 100 points of damage barely scratching Grem 1
BUT because Grem 2 hit in more rounds than Grem 1, Grem 2 gets the win


I undestand HOW it works (Grem 2 won more rounds) I want to know WHY?
If Grem 1 kicked the Crap out of Grem 2 on points bringing him close to KO (and to me that is what winning a fight is about who kicked whos Butt!! NOT who hit who how many times)
HOW and WHY should Grem 2 win when he barely damaged Grem 1 at all???

RE: Rounds VS Damage???

James B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th June 2005, 06:46

Answer, it is a game and those are the rules. If the rules change then the tactics and the balance of strength/stamina/dexterity would change.

RE: Rounds VS Damage???

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th June 2005, 13:04

And what`s the difference between what happens here and in real life boxing?


The winner of a round in real boxing will be the boxer who lands the most clean punches, not someone who lands a couple of heavy punches but can`t knock his opponent out.

That`s exactly what happens here.

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

RE: Rounds VS Damage???

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th June 2005, 00:32

Thanks I understand the logic as you put it.
It is just a lil frustrating when I do 1500 point of damage to someone and they do less than 100 to me and they win the match. Just doesn`t seem right.
Oh well thems be da rules

RE: Rounds VS Damage???

Major Disaster (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 10:29

I`m probably one of those guys. I prefer the long fights as you get more points.

Also I`ve noticed recently that the hard hitters are doing huge damage beyond their effective range.


Rob-a-chu STR 1505, tactic hit harder, Effective STR 1867.
Hit by rob-a-chu: Damage 2231, 1050 and then finally 2155??????

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