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Close league near the top of the table...

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 23:34

Seems to be a nice battle going on between 5th and 15th place at the moment, with less than 1000 points between us. Any bets on who will come out on top of this lot when all is said and done?

5 Grizzz02 belly dropping 12996
6 Spawn of Gruntfuttock silver haired 12971
7 The Jumm Strikes Back belly dropping 12860
8 dan-yr-ogof belly dropping 12757
9 UncUgly 7 belly dropping 12551
10 Tabasco the Third :-) belly dropping 12532
11 Rowboat Wally 2000 belly dropping 12524
12 Nuffie silver haired 12466
13 pathetic weaklin getting on 12454
14 Towelie a pensioner 12143
15 Skidmark III middle aged 12053

My grem is having mixed fortune at the mo - come back up 4 places after going down 4 places yesterday. A few good days from either gremlin could see them do well overall. Rowboat Wally`s aim is to finish above dan-yr-ogof, but I can`t see that happening now. I think UncUgly will even look down on me overall for a change... :(

Still got several days left, so we`ll wait and see...


RE: Close league near the top of the table...

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 05:34

Rowboat Wally`s aim is to finish above dan-yr-ogof, but I can`t see that happening now.

go for it phil! mind you don`t expect me to make it easy for you. :)

as you say a very close league at the moment and i don`t remember seeing it this close for a while.

RE: Close league near the top of the table...

James B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 11:33

It is close, though not in the placement I would like, at the top as well. Lamplighter and I have had at the most two other gremlins between us since we were created. It looks as though we will both die at the same time so I can not even hope of getting to the number one slot by default.
Hooch will have to die on Saturday lunch time anyway as we are off on holiday but challenges will be issued and if I have to terminate all chalenges will be cleared first.

RE: Close league near the top of the table...

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 23:26

I can`t believe UU7 dropped 3 places - why can`t the rest of your grems have the decency to die of old age and let me get to number one ;)


RE: Close league near the top of the table...

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Friday, 24th June 2005, 05:38

have a good holiday james b. see you when you get back. :)

RE: Close league near the top of the table...

James B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th June 2005, 06:29

Thanks sarah, was checking on the web the weather in greece, where we are going, and it is the same as here but with nearly twice the humidity. I do not know if I will be coming back brown or rusty?

Will still get a fight in tomorrow I hope, if I am alive that is.


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