Info and forum posts by 'Philip Ellis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 18th December 2000, 10:55, Last used: Monday, 18th July 2005, 13:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Panasonic CV52 5-disc player - any good?

Is this player any good?
Is there a region hack for it?


RE: Elms Online - Any good?

I also wondered if they were pirated because of the region coding so perhaps I`ll give them a miss.

Elms Online - Any good?

Got an email from these guys and am tempted by their low prices.

Any experiences, good or bad?



RE: Slim, DVD changer

Is this the CV52EB?

I`ve looked for this model elsewhere on the internet and can`t find out much about it. Is is obsolete does anyone know?



Slim, DVD changer

I`m looking for a new player and fancy the following features;

a) Ability to play CD-R and CD-RW (definitely)
b) Slim profile (preferably)
c) Multi-disc changer (preferably)
d) Ability to play DVD-R/DVD-RW (preferably)

Am I asking too much? Can you suggest a model if not?



RE: Pearl Harbour jumping on Samsung DVD-511

Sorry to pester. Anybody had problems with this DVD on other machines?


Pearl Harbour jumping on Samsung DVD-511

I was enjoying watching this film when suddenly it starts to jump maybe 1-2 minutes, is OK for a little while and then does it again and again.
This was fairly close to the end of the film. I tried it in my PC`s DVD and it was OK.
Anybody had similar problems with this?


RE: Panasonic picture problem when using DVD

I`ve run the DVD through AV3 (on the front of the TV) and it looks OK so appears to be a problem with the AVs on the back. I even re-routed the cables to make sure they didn`t cross the TV aerial lead but it didn`t make a difference so I`m a bit stuck on this. Maybe one for Panasonic themselves; anybody got contact details for them?

RE: Panasonic picture problem when using DVD

Can anyone help me with this please?

Panasonic picture problem when using DVD


I`ve got a Panasonic TX-28PK3 telly and a Samsung 511 DVD and I`m getting a `watermark` running through the picture.

Telly has 2 SCARTs, DVD is connected to No 1 and VCR is connected to No 2. VCR is also Panasonic and used Qlink which only works on AV2 on the telly so it has to be this way round.

When I turn on the DVD I can see a light background watermark running from right to left and last night I could clearly see the logo from a P&O advert on TV.

SCART leads are all gold-plated and I swapped them round on the TV to test but got the same problem. I can`t see this problem with the VCR but as the picture`s not as steady it`s difficult to tell.

Does anybody else have this combination/problem or suggestions?

RE: Eltax Atmoic A8 sub-woofer - Any good?

QED price is great but no stock. Sometime this month they tell me!

Any decent alternative suggestions greatly appreciated.


Eltax Atmoic A8 sub-woofer - Any good?

I`m thinking of buying one of these and am interested in your comments on it.

I`ve seen them at Richer Sounds for £120 and also a Techtronics for £104 inc VAT. Anybody seen them elsewhere for less?



RE: Looking for a decent sub-woofer

Ideally, not more than £50 although I`d spend a bit more if it meant getting a good `un.


Looking for a decent sub-woofer


I`m looking for a decent active sub-woofer that doesn`t cost a fortune.
I`d like it to be quite compact. Does this affect performance drastically? My room is about 15` by 12` if that help. I`d also prefer a black one so it doesn`t stand out too much.

Any help greatly appreciated.



RE: Panasonic TX28PK3C

Makro in Sheffield has these at £429.99 plus VAT (£505.23) which Cole Brothers price matched. I also got the 5-year warranty thrown in so I`m chuffed. Got to wait a couple of weeks for delivery. If you want one of these I`d get CB to price match before Makro stop doing theirs. As Makro aren`t an internet company you`ll be able to do this after 21/10/01.

Good luck.


Panasonic TX28PK3C


I`m thinking about buying one of these TVs. I`ve looked at some web sites (,, etc.) and the prices seem to vary quite a bit. Anybody know of the cheapest place I can get one?
Also, is it not produced any more? The reason I ask is that some places I`d expect to have it listed don`t.



Slim-line centre speaker

I`m looking for a centre speaker to fit into a tight space. The width can`t be more than 440mm, which I don`t think is a problem.
However, the height can`t be more than 100mm and would preferably be a bit less.
Does anyone know of such a beast?



Sonel macrovision remover

I`ve seen adverts for this product and one tale of severely delayed delivery.
I`m thinking of buying one of these but would like to know of others` experiences before parting with my cash so can you help?



Speaker stands

I`ve almost finished putting my home cinema together and I`ve got a pair of Jamo160 Surround speakers at the rear.

I want to buy a cheap(ish) pair of stands for them that adjust for height and (preferably) hide the cable in the stem.

Any ideas?



Which AV receiver? Sherwood 6106, Kenwood 7030, Technics SADX930

Hi all

I`m just deciding between Sherwood 6106, Kenwood 7030 and Technics SADX930 (out of production I think but some still available).

Anybody got stories about these products, good or bad?



ps Just decided may consider Technics SADX940 (although I hear it runs hot) and Yamaha RXV496RDS!

This item was edited on Monday, 29th January 2001, 21:34

Best places for buying surround speaker packages?


Looking for a speaker package I`ve visited a few sites including unbeatable, empiredirect, hifistore. Are there any others that have good reputations and cheap prices?


This item was edited on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 22:05


Me too. Ordered The World Is Not Enough and The Matrix both at £12.99 inc p&p. Received the day after and got email confirmation too.

Makes a change don`t you think?

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 10:13

5 speaker package for £150?

I`m looking for a surround speaker package upto £150 for 5 speakers (I`ve already got a sub). I would like the rear speakers to be quite small if possible.
Any ideas?



RE: 5.1 surround system advice

I`d really appreciate some assistance on this one

5.1 surround system advice

I want to set up a 5.1 system to connect with my Samsung 511 DVD player.

I`ve looked into the Sherwood 6106 (replacement for 6095) and the Kenwood V7030D but don`t know which to go for. Anybody got some advice on this?

I don`t have much room so I want small/slimline speakers particularly for the rears. I can get a free sub from a friend but would prefer it to be part of the package. Any recommendations for speaker packages in the region of £150 or am I dreaming?



Best £200 player

I`ve got around £200 to spend on a DVD player. I found this forum and am now confused about what to buy. There seems to be problems with lots of machines out there. My setup is simple at present; regular TV (may change soon). One thing though, I`ve got a Sony hi-fi with an optical input marked for DAT. Could I use optical output from DVD into this?