Info and forum posts by 'Eric Hewis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 4th December 2000, 20:08, Last used: Monday, 4th December 2000, 20:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD Players UK

I`m not surprised they`ve dropped Cyberhome players, I had two from WH Smith, both faulty. They too have dropped them.
Cyberhome got lots of great reviews though I can`t understand why, In my experience thay are c**p!!!

RE: Question about buying from abroad!!

Do try CDwow, they have some fantastic offers at the moment, `The Others` (Nicole Kidman) for an amazing £8.99, @The Gift` Kate Blanchett/Keanu Reeves` £5.99 both including postage. They are both Region 3 but my player (Pioneer 444) has no problems playing them.

Wilson Stereo Library DVD rentals

Has anybody had dealings with the above? (A.k.a. WSL online) I recently (early Feb) replied to one of their ads and paid in advance for my selections and as yet have heard nothing from them despite a series of emailed queries.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 15:23

RE: DVD Box Office Shipping Times

Hi Vardre, Like you I`m a postman. I`ve had loads of DVD`s from dvdboxoffice and they`ve always arrived though some of them do take a while. My latest purchase, which arrived today is a `Some Mothers Do `Ave` Em` Box set, 3 discs (£20 and not available in this country) excellent value!

RE: Techtronics problems

I ordered a Pioneer 444 from Techtronics on Monday shortly before I`d read your comments, which I must admit disturbed me, it arrived on Friday and I am delighted with both the machine and the service. I bought the machine on behalf of a friend but am now considering buying one myself, probably from Techtronics.
I have dealt with them in the past and had no problems.

RE: VCR picture when playing DVD

Thanks for your help, I have since had other problems with the machine, subtitles appearing randomly being one.
The DVD I have is a replacement for an earlier faulty model which had a disc drawer that caught on the cover flap every time I closed it. I`ve decided to cut my losses and take it back to WHS for a refund.

VCR picture when playing DVD

I have recently purchased a Cyberhome 528 DVD and find that when I play films I get interference form my VCR (JVC 680) which consists of a ghost picture behind DVD film. Does anybody know of a cure? apart fom unplugging the VCR everytime I want to use the DVD.

RE: Cyberhome Door Flap

The flap catches when the tray is closed,It seems av ery flimsy piece of kit I,ve decided to solve the problem by sending it back to WH Smith,
I had actually bought it and was storing it for a friend who had bought it as a Christmas present when I decided to try it (I`m glad I did!)
Now I need a good cheap multi-region player as a replacement, any suggestions?

Cyberhome Door Flap

Does any body out there no how to stop the disc drawer catching on the outside flap when closing the drawer?

RE: - any good?

I used to use them a lot for DVD`s and CD`s but gave up when my credit card details were stolen.
I later received email from Canadian Gov. investigators saying Absound site was insecure. I don`t know if it`s been rectified but suppose it has.


95% of my DVD purchases are from Play 247 and I`ve never had any problems, The only other site I use is DVD Box Office who offer excellent prices but a long wait for delivery.
I`ve also bought CD`s from Play 247, same excellent value and service.

RE: what do you reccomend for £200 range

Despite all the negative messages you may have seen on this forum, I recommend the Scan 2000 from, mine is excellent.


I`m back already! I have a Samsung DVD-Rom drive (model No. 604) Are DVD-Roms hackable?

Proline 2000

I`m new to this forum so I may have missed it, is there a hack for the above player? SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now looked back through previous postings and found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 14:29