Info and forum posts by 'andrewf'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 10th July 2004, 15:55, Last used: Thursday, 27th July 2006, 11:57

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: A question for Westy or anyone........about the Toshiba 32 ZD26 television.

Don`t know if I`m breaking any rules here saying this but I have the 32ZD26 and have always thought it was a fab TV, however I am giving serious thought to buying an LCD from Toshiba and as I dont have a second lounge I am probably going to sell my TV.

I guess viewing and delivery and all that would be of issue, but just thought I`d throw this out there. Had been looking for around £350 which given the price you say you`ve found it for, sounds about right.

Toshiba 32WL56 - anyone know anything??!!

Like the 32WL48. Some sites replacing with this model. Anyone know anything about it. All I`ve found is maybes and don`t knows

Cheers :)

RE: Hitachi 32PD5300

open to all possibilities - will take a look - cheers

Hitachi 32PD5300

Simple question

I want a good 32" plasma that does component and wont cost the earth. Have seen the 5300 for £1425.00 which I have seen with good reviews and I know that people here have said the 5200 is a good budget buy.

Is this the best plasma I can buy for this money???

RE: Picture blocking on my Toshiba 32ZD26

Thanks for the replies. Looking likely it is as you say to do with the compression of the signal :/ . I guess where we`ve moved to has a slightly weaker signal too, so this isn`t helping. Probably not suprising given that most of the time we cant use our mobiles in the area.

Shame there isn`t a way of boosting the signal - is there? :(



Picutre blocking on my Toshiba 32ZD26

Hi there

This problem has been ongoing for a long long time now. The query is a bit long, but the problem has got me stumped.

I have a 32ZD26 TV (bought 09/03) which a had a great picture. I moved home back in April 04 and have been suffering from picture problems ever since.

I have been suffering from a blocking effect with the pictures. This is more noticeable with large areas of colour, say a background wall, someone in a suit or peoples faces during close ups. It also occurs when images change rapidly on the screen and with effects such as rain, fire or crowds clapping. Football matches can cause particular problems with the pitch blocking and a fuzzy halo surrounding the players.

Initially the problem appeared to be related to my Sky set top box, as terrestrial signals were not suffering. Having had it reinstalled in the new house, I found that the picture suffered from periodic blocking. This does not seem to occur all the time and is better or worse depending on the Sky channel chosen, though again there does not appear to be any pattern to which channels or when it occurs. This is the really frustrating thing
because it doesn`t happen all the time and I cannot find a pattern to it.

I contacted Sky and they came and changed the box. They have changed the box and / or the dish many times now and the problem remains.

To check this, I bought a free view box and have tried this. Although to a lesser degree, this too suffers from blocking, so I am now led to believe it is the TV. I have also noticed that in some cases I suffer the blocking using DVD also. This seems to be restricted however to areas such as the `coming soon` sections at the start of the DVD`s rather than the main features, which I`m guessing are formatted in a better quality. I hadn`t picked up on this before as I generally have the contrast right down (30/100) when watching DVD`s.

This brings me to when the blocking is most visible. If the contrast of the TV is set above 40/100 then the blocking becomes very clear. That`s not to say I doesn`t happen below this level, it`s just not so noticeable below this. The thing is sometimes you have to have the contrast above 40 to see the picture well.

I am beginning to wonder if the problem relates to the scart /component parts of the TV as the terrestrial signal is not affected at all (whatever the contrast level).

Before I moved we did not suffer from this problem at all. When I moved the TV was packaged properly (in ALL the original packaging) and moved with great care. Either something has happened in the move or maybe it is the signal in our area, I just can`t tell and have run out of ideas myself.

Last night I connected my portable TV and didn`t appear to get the same problem. Managed to set up both TV`s at same time to compare. Now it is fair to say that the contrast feature on my Toshiba does seems to go a lot higher than the portable, so did see `blocks` more clearly with contrast right up, but the portable seemed spot on whilst my Toshiba seems `uncrisp`.

It it confusing me entirely now. Why would terrestrial signals be fine, but the digital signals (is the clue there?!) from Sky and Freeview, plus some DVD component signals be off? Is there a possible reason as to why this fault might occur in my TV?

RE: Blocking and Sky - end of my tether

Thanks for the replies. Think I`ll chase Sky again.

Blocking and Sky - end of my tether

Whatever Sky try, I cannot get a good signal from Sky. When there is action (footy is the worst) the picture suffers from blocking and text suffers from a kind of dotting effect like a shadow around it. On occassions even slow pictures suffer blocking. If there are large areas of one colour the image goes a little washy.

Before I moved back in May I was in a small block of flats and 4 flat`s shared one large dish - it was all professional installed. I have a 6 month old Toshiba 32ZD 26P and before the move all was great.

However since the move I have had 4 visits and a new box and 2 new dishes with NO change to the picture. I have a 70+% signal and the engineer(s) are happy that even though the dish is pointing at next doors house (two drive widths lengths away and 2 metres into their house from the edge) that this is not affecting the picture.

I cant believe that moving from a large `properly` installed dish to Sky`s little one`s will have affected the picture so greatly, so I am perplexed as to why this is happening.

I was concerned that my TV had been damaged in the move, however the problem seems to occur on my portable TV, though this is a little hard to see on such a small screen. Reducing the sharpness from zero to -50 does help a little.

This is driving me mad. I am about to buy a HDD DVD recorder, however if my Sky continues to produce such rubbish pictures there doesn`t seem much point.

PS Linked TV to Sky by quality Scart

Any ideas


RE: Kameleon remote`s battery life

I too have suffered the same problem. I took mine back to the store and they replaced, although it appears to suffer from the same thing!!! So much for their battery life readings!! I shall see if I still have my receipt and follow their advise.

RE: Sky remote transmitter type senders

If you search for `wireless senders` on the site you`ll find lots of links about this that I found very helpfull. Plenty of options and plenty of opinions :D
